
Yeah we’re just supposed to be grateful to be alive.


I’m sure it’s great but I can’t read things like that. Sorry.

Is the whole “grandparents choosing what their grandchildren are going to call them” a relatively new thing? Or is it a white thing? My first exposure to this idea was on that episode of the office where pam asks her mom if she’s decided what she wants to be called. Of course I had always known that not everyone calls

Papi is not gross. People sexualizing pet names like papi and mami is what’s gross.

Of course children who speak spanish are going to call their father papá since that just means dad, but I meant the hipster scum, which you also touched on.

Ok but is this actually happening or....

Now playing

If anyone needs further explanation about “run hide fight”, here you go. Please watch and remember.

Anyone else just see a generic White Boy?

That’s too much, man!

OK but Tila also says that she uses her mind to “manipulate reality”. She says she made Trump win and that she caused Brexit. I’m pretty sure that eventually she’ll make up some shit about her neo nazi companions and even they’ll ditch her. 

I think it might also be a good idea for her to let mutual friends know about what she’s going to do. Not in a gossipy way, but in a “This is what’s happening, be prepared for her to try and start drama” way. Otherwise, the “friend” might try to make herself the victim, saying that this came out of nowhere and that

badum chhh

It’s gonna be terrible and I’m going to watch every fucking second.

You almost made America great again.

Welp, watching the finale tonight sure isn’t going to be as much fun.

No, sarcasm.

I assume it’s because women are not “stuck” in marriages as much as they used to be. 

Whoa, I just passed by that museum tonight and made a mental note to look up what Direct Drive was about. Well timed article. 

This country never belonged to anyone and it still doesn’t belong to anyone. We’re all just living on a piece of dirt. Calm yourself.