
Back in the early 2000s I moved in with a now ex-boyfriend. He lived in a bungalow style house in one of the neighborhoods of a large midwestern city. This happened when I was taking a personal day from work after moving in to finish getting things arranged and unpacked.

Made this account purely to participate because I have a recent weird experience. This story is from about two months ago. I have no clear explanation for what the hell happened and it took me three attempts to work myself up to remembering it in enough detail to write it down. Here goes.

Given some of your language describing other humans in this post, I think you likely got the day karma planned for you.  Google ableism, then rethink your post.

Hi. I’ve been reading this scary story series for years but have never taken the time to tell my story:

I was too late with my submission last year, so here goes...

I’m doxxing myself because my friends all know this story. I waited until daytime to write it because it scares me so much.

I have always considered Billy Ray Cyrus to be a one hit wonder not a country music legend.  I must have missed something.

I wonder if Baldwin has ever gotten treatment or medicine for depression. Depression, especially in men, can sometimes present itself as anger and mood swings. It's even more likely to present this way when the men have careers that require a level of high functioning and/or a certain level of social interaction. 

This is great. I hope that between the GoFundMe, FB fundraiser, and reward, she & her family have plenty of money for whatever they need. 

Are you going to bob your head to the Holocaust too?!? Because it’s exactly the same!

Having been canceled 4 years ago, it definitely doesn’t count as new but I will never not recommend Drop Dead Diva on articles like this. It’s so underrated and Brooke Elliott is a goddess. 

It could happen!

I agree. These stories are supposed to be fun scary, not triggering real world scary. I feel terrible the author was so violated but this was really not the place for her story.

I mean, sure the ghost in the first story saved you from the night stalker, but he also reached up your skirt and sexually assaulted you, so it’s not like he’s all good.

I hate to be a party pooper, but why would a feng-shui practitioner pull up a section of the floor?!?

Uhhhhhh, why would a 17 year old make a request about what she’s going to be buried in? That doesn’t really jibe. 

There was one several years ago about some lady’s boyfriend who was stationed in Iraq and one night they all see a figure several hundred yards outside the base. That one still creeps me out until this day.

99% of the people I’ve encountered who go around saying that they’re “sensitive” or “empaths” were just wishful thinking. If you really are, you most likely don’t want it and don’t want to go around advertising it.

This year I only was able to read one story. It was the one where the girl got violently violated at her home

I usually just blow through the paranormal stories because they obviously aren't real, so I was saddened to read that every single story on here was fake. Boring!