This country never belonged to you so it couldn’t have been “taken” and you can’t “take it back”.
This country never belonged to you so it couldn’t have been “taken” and you can’t “take it back”.
How should the officers have confirmed it wasn’t a real gun?
I’m not taking about who SAYS it, I’m talking about who can say it without me caring because they’re old and going to die soon anyway.
Over 50? More like if you’re over 80.
Thank you for that gift
He talks about what his dick looks like in such vivid detail people don’t need to see it.
How do you know Gizmodo condones it?
Why didn’t the Gizmodo article mention the Harambe thing?
What does that have to do with what I said?
I’m sure that’s not what they did.
I was fucking fine until the pulse thing. Then, sobbing.
But what about the glasses? Who needs that many drinking glasses? How many friends do they have? How many friends should I have?
I’d rather be self righteous than in debt. And to those who say “You don’t have to be either”, I say “That’s no fun”.
They probably only eat the middle, where all the filling is. That’s why they need so many.
....your headline is ridiculous and not representative of the story.