I gotta give props to Iggy for that Fantastic 4 jab, that really brought it home. And NO I’m not an Azalea Apologist.
I gotta give props to Iggy for that Fantastic 4 jab, that really brought it home. And NO I’m not an Azalea Apologist.
Other than the moms that are trying to live vicariously through their daughters, there ARE mothers and daughters that are actually friends and enjoy doing stuff together, even going to strip clubs. Going to Vegas with my mom would be fun because she’d give me money and I’d get the gossip on EVERYONE.
Does anyone else think the whole pregnancy was faked or am I the only heartless monster?
The only beauty procedure I participate in is eyebrow threading. I don’t understand removing hair from anywhere else?
Thank you for reporting them.
It’s not an argument for or against anything. It’s asking people to think things through and realize the things they’re asking for simply don’t make sense.
Ok so we start by only allowing rich white males to have guns. And then once that’s done who is going to take the right away from them? That’s right, no one.
Because rich people are always punished when the commit crimes.
So you’re saying you only want rich people to have guns. And if we’re being honest, because we know who’s really going to be in that group, you’re saying you only want rich, white, conservative males to have guns.
The suit actually claims “mental distress”, it’s just this one source (FoodWorldNews) that says “mental illness” and the Jezebel author ran with that.
In N Out is a major fast food chain, so it’s not suspicious at all.
I mean, you could have looked at at least one other source and seen that FoodWorldNews is the only one that uses the term “mental illness”. Every other article says “mental distress”.
Can someone explain some stuff to me? First, I don’t get why they have to pretend to hate each other. Is the soap opera drama really necessary? Can’t they just acknowledge that they’re fighting each other because it’s their job? I mean even if there were bad blood between two fighters, they sure as hell wouldn’t act…
What’s with all the fake anger during weigh ins though?
I would understand if Schumer wanted to stay out of this. I’m sure she receives threats daily simply for being a woman in the spotlight, I can’t imagine what she’d have to endure if she spoke out against guns.
NYX Butter Lipsticks. I’ve never tried high end lipstick though because...well because I don’t think makeup is worth that kind of money.
They said they’re not going to order anymore. Doesn’t mean they’re going to stop using the ones they already have.
That freaking sucks. If we’re just keeping it to holy grail products I would say Tarte blush in Prim, ColourPop lip stick in Lumiere, and NYX Control Freak clear brow gel.
I just finished a bottle of Aveeno facial moisturizer and I didn’t like it. It was a little too thick and left me feeling greasy. I bought a bottle of Neutrogena Oil Free Moisture and I’m liking it so far. It’s super light weight. It’s only SPF 15 though, which is pretty low. If you’re actually going to be out in the…