
A “mujeres unidas” (women united) onesie for my friend’s baby.

My 6 year old is a “magical unicorn” then. Ok.

And once again, you’re talking about something I’m not. I was asking why people give a shit about what other people eat. You’re talking about giving a shit about people spreading false information. Two different things. I’m talking about assholes who think they need to input their two cents about other people dietary

ok so why do you care about people being “dumb”? How does it affect you if they choose to be “dumb” and not eat gluten?

Yeah that’s called being a liar and has nothing to do with gluten. Still not a good reason to give a shit about what other people eat.

I still don’t get why people get upset about what others choose to eat or not eat. Yeah people who never shut up about their diet are annoying, but otherwise who the hell cares?

So who are these people who let their children scream in restaurants? I’ve only ever read about them on the internet?

I like how they kept trying to prop her lifeless body up, as if she wasn’t dead.

I don’t know about your friends but I regularly receive free products in exchange for reviewing/promoting them. I do it because I like free stuff and I don’t give a shit about posting pictures of me and a fucking #WeightWatchers ice cream bar. I have no shame and free ice cream is free ice cream. Plus my twitter and

Yeah, I don’t give a shit about website politics

I know you weren’t directing this at me but your condescending tone is irresistable so here it is: Yes, I’ve heard of those ladies. Yes, I’m a fan of most of them. What the fuck does that have to do with me liking Selena’s work as well?

My bad, I meant dementors.


We can celebrate multiple Latina artists at once. It’s not one or the other.

What “tone” is she apologizing for?

Like why can’t this just be accepted by everyone at this point? Don’t carry a gun in a purse. It’s obviously easier to steal and a child could get their hands on it. Just don’t do it.

It’s always nice to get someone chocolate (if they’ve previously expressed approval of receiving chocolate), but if the only time a guy gets a woman chocolate is when he thinks she’s on her period, it just makes it seem like he’s trying to ward off the negative effects of a death eater.

Don’t try to school me on gallbladder disease. My husband has it and we deal with it’s effects on a regular basis.

Are you seriously trying to equate your wife giving you details about a painful process she goes through every month with me seeing a toilet full of your shit? Wow.

Stop calling periods “gruesome” and “gory”. You’re trying to make us feel like they’re something we should be hiding.