That guy just got Sherlock’d
That guy just got Sherlock’d
Well I understand that, that’s just common courtesy, but I’m talking about the snobs who gasp about well done steak and say that you’re “ruining the flavor”.
You’ve been told enough times now about the “lady/gentlemen” thing so I won’t say it again but yeah...gross. Anyway, I’d cut the entire “In layman’s terms” sentence. It could come across as condescending, plus if she doesn’t know what it means it will give you something to talk about.
Right?! Like if you want to clean the toilet after he has gluten be my fucking guest, until then shut the fuck up.
Off topic but why are people such asshole about other people eating well done steak? Why do you give a shit about what someone else puts in their face hole?
People look at my 7 YEAR OLD like he’s an asshole when they overhear him asking me if something has gluten at the grocery store.
Yeah but they can just watch the game at a bar for the same effect. You can bring 3 bags of luggage into a Buffalo Wild Wings and they won’t even care. I know, I’ve done it.
Heaven forbid anyone ever perform any criminal acts. I mean we all know the acts of defiance leading up to and including the Boston Tea Party were completely sanctioned by those in power.
The only thing I love more than boy bands is boy band spoofs.
I was 17, at my first Misfits concert and I was new to the whole scene. A mosh pit started growing right next to me, to my right, and I was terrified that I was going to get hit. I wanted to move away from the moshing but there was a gigantic tattooed guy on my left blocking my way. I tapped him on the shoulder and…
Who’s outraged though? I have not seen a single person react to this with what could be described as outrage. Annoyance? Yes. Disappointment? Sure. Confusion? Why not. But literally zero outrage.
Just across the Mexican border there are a lot of beggars who target American tourists (or at least there were when I would visit regularly about 10 year ago). I never saw anyone with a disability though, and the children always put on a show in exchange for money, as opposed to just sitting there.
Ok but did Jezebel just introduce me to a funnier version of themselves? Have they sealed their own fate?
I would totally watch The Bu if it were a real show. I know, I hate me too.
Get comfortable with natural looking lip colors first.
Again! Again!
I resell things online too. It’s pretty cool knowing I have actual haters now. Makes me feel like a badass.
I like the prints but I agree that on clothing it looks like what a Florida tourist would wear. It looks cute on cups though.
If your mom or sister don't want some of the products set them aside and once you have a sizable haul take it to a women's shelter!