
I don't use concealer brushes but I figured since I was keeping the lip tint I could use it as a large lip brush. It wasn't even necessary since the lip tint is completely colorless ("tint" my ass). It's very moisturizing though, it feels like coconut oil. The Elizabeth Arden lipstick isn't the best for my skin tone

I loved Ipsy this month. I get two bags so that I can choose which items I want and then give the rest to my sister. The items I chose to keep this month were Elizabeth Arden lipstick in Red Door Red (full size worth $25), Crown Brush concealer brush (worth $7.45), Mullein & Sparrow lip and cheek tint (mini worth

We met on a zombie survival site.

Eh. She's cute but I'm not into the catchy club music thing. Glad to see more representation for dark skin Latinas though.

Ok but meth?

I asked a question. You're obsessed with my question for some reason. Not my problem.

No you weren’t asking for examples, you condescendingly asked if female stunt drivers even exist. Own it.

Yes, my question would be why did she stay for a week. Not sure why that's so hard to understand.

Don't get a contour kit, they are unnecessary unless you're a makeup artist. I switch it up between 3 cheap bronzers, depending on what mood I'm in:

A Beauty Blender or one of it's knockoffs. The original one is worth the $17.

I mean stayed for as long as she did, whether it was a week or a year. I don't know if she's still there.

Loved the article but I'm confused as to why the the author stayed if it was so horrible?

*lone rose rises poetically on an escalator *

“What one thing will you remember about all this in seven days’ time?

Pretty sad

I’m from Texas. I’ve been told multiple times here on Jezebel that I’m stupid and/or should die. Because I’m from Texas. The state I was born in means I should die. Ok.

Drive thru lane at Whataburger. On two separate occasions.

If that woman is their dance teacher why is she watching with her mouth gaping open like she doesn't understand what's happening?

I feel like I need to apologize because I'm one of those people who can't look at cashiers in the eye. I look at them and smile when I'm walking up to the register but then when I'm standing right in front of them my anxiety takes over and I feel like they'll know I'm freaking out if I look them in the eye. I usually

I don’t know about other states but in Texas there’s a thing called the Women’s Health Program. It’s like Medicaid but it has a higher income limit and it’s solely for birth control and women’s health. The best part is that if anyone other than the woman calls to ask about the coverage, we (the people on the other end