
While I get this, it’s also disturbing to me that successful women have to be victims before we can like and/or identify with them. Wonder what would happen if Gwyneth Paltrow suddenly fessed up to an eating disorder or a rape, would that get everyone on her side?

I’ve never seen The Sopranos, or Mad Men. I’m out every night and when I come home, I watch the end of the baseball or basketball game, and there’s Charlie Rose and I go to sleep.

Kids these days. Don’t even know how to fuck their way to the top.

You are missing out. Lungs is a close to perfect album.

I feel like I want to crowdfund an army and go take over his Virginia home, overthrowing him and his heir. Nothing bloody; we’d just strong-arm them into the street, change the locks, and let them watch me making myself at home: watching Netflix on their flat-screen, eating their food, etc.

Then it would be nice if the article actually credited the original artist and called it a cover, and not a “new song” from the forthcoming album.

Now playing

So... a cover of the Florence and The Machine song?

Sorry, I know this isn’t super cool to say for some people but I give serious side eye to any 49 year old dude dating a college girl literally less than half his age.

I got excited because I thought it was Florence & the machine’s Only If For a Night :/

I know power is supposed to be attractive, but c’mon, he’s a potato sack clad in human skin and a bad suit.

“Hi, welcome to Marital and Sexual Problems in Men. Right now I’m sure you’re wondering ‘What the Hell am I doing here? I don’t belong here”. Well, don’t worry. Having sexual or Marital problems can be perfectly natural. They don’t make you a Creep or a Weirdo. Follow these six simple steps and you’ll be able to look

Haven’t you heard that Mad Max is FEMINIST and has a WOMAN in it? I’m sure young boys won’t be talking about that. Avengers though, sure.

All those grade school boys will want to talk about is Mad Max or Avengers or who their favorite athletes are or oh wait, shit

Totally, I had a strain of HPV that lead to a LEEP procedure so if I'm not a mutant my cervix sure is now.

This makes me want to cry.

I think dadbods only work if you are really, really funny, kind and sweet. Basically, if you are loveable. If you do have that winning personality, you are seen as a “big old teddy bear” that women want to cuddle and love. The belly and overall softness becomes enduring. However, if you are jerk, then you become that

As a middle-aged single woman, you have to line up at the Dadbod Buffet. Very little else at this age is being served.

Born and raised New Yorkers are also much more likely to be comfortable living in more diverse neighborhoods. It’s just what’s natural.

Learning about the community you wee about to become a part of is normally a good bet.

Yeah, well, all the “SUCKERS” are displacing the housing market.