
I like to wash it down with a nice frothy cappuccino that has had its foam delicately shaped into the shape of my ball sack. Republican base always had the racist, sexist, and bloodthirsty crowd. When we elected the first African American president to succeed and repair the country after a hawkish conservative left it in economic disarray, the Republicans doubled down on the crazy base that came out in support of Palin. It

This show is so perfect. They’ve made a superhero story where the villain is an abuser and the horror and terror is that he’ll hurt other people and never stop following Jessica. It’s managed to take something that women all over the world struggle with and shove it out into the forefront. Or the fact that Jessica’s

Purple Man is the douche who keeps telling random women to “smile” taken to the MOST extreme holy fucking shit. This show is amazing.

Response to refugee crisis: “Fuck our principles! If accepting refugees poses even .00001% of a threat, then zero tolerance must be the rule!”

I’d been switching between 5 channels that night and just happened to catch it live. I was stunned when she actually started to walk through the building.

“Is this just math that you do as a Republican to make yourself feel better. or is this real?” Was one of the best sentences to come out of FOX News.

I’m so happy it got renewed! Peggy Carter is a badass.

No superpowers, but Agent Carter kicked ass.

David Tennant?!?!?! Fuck. Yes. Give this show to me immediately.

“She could have gotten birth control” boils down to a mindset in which you’re denying that all women deserve abortion access all the time. This woman’s state has banned abortions after 20 weeks and has imposed restrictions on clinics that offer abortion clinics which as so severe that services are expensive and

I got into it with her a bit, and she ended by telling me she was glad I was here and I am “nice”. Like glad my mother didn’t have an abortion, aren’t I so glad? What if she had? ARUGHHGHGHGHGHGHGH!!!

I’m especially pissy reading this because I am in a low level college course and some woman did a presentation on Personhood that was full of emotional pleas and no facts. It was all “5th month abortions! Some premies live from that point- one man’s trash is another one’s treasure” BS, and when I asked what percentage

I propose a radical feminist paramilitary group to go in and cut the balls off each and every one of these motherfuckers ( and Boko Haram, too.) We will also be known as Isis, Egyptian goddess and friend to slaves and the downtrodden. We will have matching embroidered jackets, too.

He LITERALLY said “but I have a black friend”

Both are wealthy, but the UWS is more like bankers-and-lawyers-in-their-30s-and-40s wealthy, whereas the UES is (between 5th and Lex, at least) more like descended-from-someone-who-signed-the-Declaration-of-Independence wealthy. This is distinct from downtown (Soho, Tribeca, the Village, etc) which is more like

For a First world country America’s employee rights standards are pretty disgusting. I read this article with growing incredulity, in Britain we treat all workers as near-human beings and at least marginally recognise that they shouldn’t be exploited.

This story sums up everything wrong with the system that needs a complete overhaul.

Oh he’s definitely a subscriber: