
I read the link and I’m very suspect at it already. Like, this is taken from speculation and so how do they know about how any of the characters motivation if they were just watching it from afar? Like you want me to believe Luke is going after Kylo to kill him?

We’ll have to agree to disagree on that.

Great. Now I’m stuck with subpar superhero shows.

Roses are red

Don’t you do it, Trevorrow. Don’t you fucking make her a Skywalker. Don’t you make me wait three movies only to give me the most underwhelming, anti-climatic plot ever. Don’t. Please. Just don’t do it.

So we’re not gonna talk about the awesome bait and switch that happened here? That we were all led to believe that Finn was supposed to be the lead but then we find out it was Rey all this time?! YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!

Between Daredevil, AoS, Jessica Jones and Thor Marvel is doing their villains right!

Here be spoilers:

I roll my eyes at the suggestion by some (albeit a minority) that dismisses this show as some feminist, rah-rah-sis-boo-bah you go girl type of show. If anything, this show kinda proves that even the most physically powerful man or woman (Luke, Jessica, Simpson) can still be used by a person who looks deceptively

I dunno, i kinda like it because Jessica and even Luke were not coordinated in their fighting suggests that they are not trained like Matt was which gives it a more realistic depth. I think if Jessica had S.H.I.E.L.D. training, she would be unstoppable.

omg thank you so much for mentioning this!

seriously falling all over myself right now because every now and then, they break the fourth wall by saying shit like that.

okay so.... he’s bad guy. But not just any bad guy.... he’s like a pretty damn sinister person. More evil than Kingpin.

Dude. Marvel is just killing it with their shows. Even “AoS” got good!

Accurate, Rosalind....... accurate.

ah, the fake “kindness” act of the anti-choice once they have been cornered with logic and fact:

i want to go to a hippie-dippy peace and love music festival with trendy bohemian trust fund kids with flowers in my hair and a stardust look in my eyes and tell people i live for blood and sacrifice and drink from the tears of the wicked while i laugh at their anguished cries and then walk away.

I cannot be the only one who truly, truly do not care about these characters. Give me Red, Daya, Poussay, literally anyone else but these ladies.

Requirement for every movie going forward: a Doof warrior in every scene.

you stayed there for two years?!!! girl, you have the patience of a saint. I would have decked someone at day one.