i was just thinking the same thing. Like getting involved with an old married man who’s a hateful bigot is a big huge no-no, hands down.
i was just thinking the same thing. Like getting involved with an old married man who’s a hateful bigot is a big huge no-no, hands down.
Um..... if this is indeed the cover of a Florence + the Machines song, can we credit her and her group in the article? please and thank you.
God, we need a Jezebel comic club.....
Well i don’t see the problem here. Whenever i wanna know about men, i always go to a grade school and ask the 11 year old boys.
I feel like there should be a tumblr page run only by people raised in a small town that had the same abstinent only classes in their former schools and just straight talk about the realities of being a teen growing up that includes sex, drugs and then church the next day.
My suggestion is to research where you are moving to. Don’t take a real estate agent’s word for it because in the end of the day, their job is to get you to take the apartment and make commission. Landlords in NYC LOVE renting out to students because they don’t question, they don’t negotiate and more often than not,…
They are and the kicker is that they don’t think they are.
I understand but you know, people who has been in NYC for so long are being priced out for people like you who are willing to pay the jacked up price. That’s the unfortunate outcome of this.
As a born a raised NY’er, i keep telling this to people re: the rising cost of rent. The people who move here (mostly white) usually do not question the price of rent. They just figure that that’s the way things are in NYC and i’m like “yeah, a studio in harlem isn’t worth $2000. Just so i know, when are you gonna…
I came to the comments solely for this!
You know the upside to being raised poor and on food stamps? you learn the value of food and adapt to what you are given. My mom brought mostly rice and beans and as a kid, i hated it but my mom (no nonsense woman she is) refused to make me anything else and refuse to give into my tantrums.
why do unattractive asshole dudes do this? Why do they take really unimpressive selfies thinking they look like the shit?
it didn’t help that Rocket Racoon was getting all weepy too. I was all “*SOB, SOB* STAHP.... MY EMOTIONS!!!****
Goddamn i must be fortunate. My mom is always “ladies must be ladies” but when we are threatened, it’s “did you punch him? yes? good.”
I have a happy “man coming to terms what women face” story:
Almost everyone wants Nat to be this badass war machine and I’m all like “you know Johansson was pregnant during the making of this movie, right? like, she can’t be as active as she was the last Avenger movie.”
ten year old me has been waiting for the marvel movie era. 31 year old me is loving every minute of it (hence my avatar of the badass Peggy Carter)
yep, fellow NYC’er. Same thing with our sex-ed classes from 5th grade to high school. Straight forward, to the point and in high school, they let us ask questions on a piece of paper (so as to stay anonymous) and the teacher will try to answer. not one of them ever tried to make us feel bad.
I have express scripts and i have to pay $60 for my 3 month supply of Nuvaring.