
Hey ladies, Cool Guy Gov Scott Waker here! Lemme tell you what’s hip ladies, a transvaginal ultrasound. They’re cooler than a pair of those hot shoes or diamonds you been eyeing. Makeup and unicorns ain’t got a thing against those transvaginal ultrasounds. So once you’re done making your man a sandwich or watching

Yeah, my sister s getting married next year to her lady and i’m the MOH. My sister is very nice but i’m not. If someone pulls that shit at my sister’s wedding, i would bleed out of my nose due to rage before grabbing the offender and and kicking them out.

Yeah i felt like something was missing between “These were major sins.” And “But Christians commit major sins sometimes, which is the whole reason why Jesus died on the cross.” like how do you end up with that line after talking about something evil and insidious? like, i’m pretty sure Jesus wasn’t all “hey, i’m

That would be my reason. i would totally make out with all the guys and then by the last episode, i would be like “nope. No marriage, hahahaha FAKE OUT ABC!” and walk right out.

agreed. Born and raised NYCer and not only is it depressing to see the soul of the city dying but the hyper rising of cost of living/business and lack of raising income will make the economy here not sustainable. This city has a good 10 maybe 15 years before shit starts breaking down because of a lack of a working

Gonna see it in two hours and i’m fucking excited!

when i hear things like that, it’s like i’m the only sane person in a world wide asylum. I’ve always been overweight (a good mixture of fat and muscle) and i’ve always had a good relationship with food but my sister? she went from being close to 300 lbs to 110lb within a year due to a multitude of illnesses that

Shout out to the PP Margret Sanger Clinic in NYC! they are amazing. i went there when i was broke and uninsured and i still go there not as broke and insured. The staff are nice, no nonsense, gives you as much info you need about almost anything sexual health related to both genders and even though i never seen

i mean, have some pride!

i was just thinking the same thing. Like getting involved with an old married man who’s a hateful bigot is a big huge no-no, hands down.


Um..... if this is indeed the cover of a Florence + the Machines song, can we credit her and her group in the article? please and thank you.

God, we need a Jezebel comic club.....

Well i don’t see the problem here. Whenever i wanna know about men, i always go to a grade school and ask the 11 year old boys.

I feel like there should be a tumblr page run only by people raised in a small town that had the same abstinent only classes in their former schools and just straight talk about the realities of being a teen growing up that includes sex, drugs and then church the next day.

My suggestion is to research where you are moving to. Don’t take a real estate agent’s word for it because in the end of the day, their job is to get you to take the apartment and make commission. Landlords in NYC LOVE renting out to students because they don’t question, they don’t negotiate and more often than not,

They are and the kicker is that they don’t think they are.

I understand but you know, people who has been in NYC for so long are being priced out for people like you who are willing to pay the jacked up price. That’s the unfortunate outcome of this.

As a born a raised NY’er, i keep telling this to people re: the rising cost of rent. The people who move here (mostly white) usually do not question the price of rent. They just figure that that’s the way things are in NYC and i’m like “yeah, a studio in harlem isn’t worth $2000. Just so i know, when are you gonna

I came to the comments solely for this!