side note: I love how Daryl brought dinner. i mean, how are you gonna go to someone's house and not bring something. he has quite the etiquette!
side note: I love how Daryl brought dinner. i mean, how are you gonna go to someone's house and not bring something. he has quite the etiquette!
You never show all your cards until it's time, that's a carol lesson for life.....
Carol is playing the long con, i mean her talking about her husband and being a little den mother.... how many of us watching that dialogue went back to thinking about her killing and burning the two infected bodies back at the prison, killing Lizzie or taking down terminus?
Carol: smart woman..... or SMARTEST woman?
One could attempt to polish a piece of turd, but it's still a turd.
It's the next Sherwin-Williams collection "shades of America"
i like to subscribe to the belief that this country is pretty great but it could be better because i have faith that it could.
Martin Short was great too. how he told that republican strategist off *clap, clap, clap, clap, clap*
Man, i wanted this episode go for for an hour. So. Much. To. Hash. Out.
agree 1000%. I take comfort in the knowledge of knowing what it's like to go without and knowing that if (heaven forbid) i find myself in the same circumstance again, i can and will survive.
i hear you on so many things you listed. I was raised extremely poor in NYC and even though i'm an adult with a college a degree and a decent income that upbringing in extreme poverty stays with you in can be hard to shake off. going on dates with guys who went to Disneyland as a kid and summer in vacation homes was…
Of course because shit like "government assistance" and "abortion" are dog-whistles to their base. A good many of them don't even care about anyone making less than $250,000 a year or women that have abortions but if politicians like Joni or Christie want to get ahead, they blow on that dog whistle and wait for the…
yeah, way to pull that ladder to wealth behind you Joni.
and what's mind blowing is that PP isn't the only place to get an abortion. There are plenty of practices that do abortion service but PP is the chosen one to be the right-wing target.
"I got mine, but fuck you"
that's basically the motto of nearly every republican regardless of race or creed and then they wonder why people outside their party don't fucking like them.
So was she locked in a hand to hand combat with Jeb Bush?! and if she was, who won because i may or may not have a little pool going here.
Off shoot of theory 4: Phyllis never existed.
I was raised in NYC where a majority of my life has been with my mom who struggled raising myself and my sister with nothing but public assistance and family contribution so needless to say, i was REALLY poor growing up. But my upbringing forced me to value money, value any job that comes your way, and never EVER look…
i hear tell there's death panels in Canada!!!!!