
Oh for sure! I only basing my comment on their claim that they commit 50 or more days. I'm assuming that their VS commitments falls in conflict with other campaigns photo shoots? That's the only way i could see that happening.

So.... is Darkwing Duck around the corner? Because that's my jam

you're absolutely right, i shouldn't say restricted as that implies that they contractually cannot work for other brands. considering the time devoted to VS, they don't have the time to work for other campaigns and fragrances

Oh sure! Basing on 2013 numbers (the last time i assisted with a photo shoot campaign) basically if a model can appear in one major campaigns for one season, that could range anywhere between 75 to 200 K depending on which high end model it is. And that's just for one season and for one brand which is about a month or

Oh, no doubt which i could see why Kloss would want to leave. Because she knows there's other aspiring models willing to take that pay.

i don't either but this type of exchange is how it usually for the industry. A lot of high end models know more or less what the other is making and most if the time, they'll make a conscious desicion on whether or not to work for a particular brand/campaign.

while $100k sounds like a lot of money, when you're restricted to one major fashion brand that's practically peanuts

eh, fucking double posting kinja

i think it extends from this convoluted mentality of:

- i hate the government, screw them. I'm better than that.

dear god, what fresh hell is this?

"If you point out that he doesn't really pay what he should, he'll laugh and say that's because he's smart and everyone else should do it too."

God damn, i've heard that from my republican ex years ago. The exact conversation was:

"Last week it was a Rabbi who when asked why sexual abuse at Yeshiva College was not reported to police testified that he didn't know that someone touching the genitals of a child was illegal because who knewwhat was against the law in a country where homosexuality is legal."

omg 'Feast' stayed with me way after the movie as over. It gave me the warm puppy feels :)

Also, did you stayed until after the credits in BH6? because..... well.... it was originally a marvel franchise ......and Marvel have special endings..... and stuff..... *looks up and around*


Good logic, i wouldn't have been as logical or coherent to be a Oscar voter (I believe my excuse to nominate LEGO movie would be "BECAUSE FUCK YOU, THAT'S WHY!" before throwing my chair across the room.)

See, that how unremarkable this years Oscar crop was. i had to google Whiplash to get my memory going.

And yes, Micheal B. Jordan would have been a great fit for that role.

I have yet to see the LEGO movie however the amount of work that went into it + stellar reviews = should of had a nomination at the very least.

Agreed. Every movie up for an award this year was absolutely boring and i found myself not giving a damn except for Big hero 6. That movie got me in the feels.

seconded. his panel needs an hour to hash it out between each other. I give him props for bring on people that don't follow his view points (the anti-vaxxer, the black female republican strategist, etc)

Good thing: He loves lamp.