
Thank you.

It goes without saying that the model minority myth was invented by white supremacy, specifically to undermine black civil rights movements from getting power, civil rights movements that Asian-Americans have also historically participated in. Model minority’ is not Asian-Americans being “lauded”; we are

I agree with you. Clearly, not everyone is as sensitive about issues of sexual assault, but the least that we can do is not treat this like something fun to watch over drinks. This is not Monday Night Football or The Bachelorette we’re talking about here; what we are watching is a revolting process of a man who

You clearly have no idea what feminism is. I’m guessing you also believe that the pay gap and sexual violence against women are feminist conspiracies?

Answer: They are REAL *gasp*

Chris Brown is no one’s hero, and as long as he does terrible things, he’s going to get called out for them. Like:

*** Domestic abuse
*** Assault. Multiple assault cases.
*** Male chauvinism and constant derogatory remarks against women
*** Being homophobic
*** Doing insensitive things like tweeting “Hate all you want

I actually learned about the danger of using q-tips in ears late in life, already into my adulthood. It didn’t help that I had begun my q-tip obsession years ago in college, after my first boyfriend made a not-so-nice remark about my ears that made me self-conscious and caused me to have a complex about them (dumb, I

Uhhh... you left that inside of you for 3 years? I’m not judging, by the way—I’m just genuinely curious and horrified. You’re incredible, and I’m just glad you’re okay.

Someone who once had a tiny fly in her ear and was ready to submerge her face in a vat of whatever it took to get it out.

Uhhh, still no. You are putting the responsibility on Jefferson and on other players when the responsibility is solely on these debased spectators to not assault the athletes. It’s that simple.

As far as Jefferson, these lowlives clearly aimed directly at him—not the field—multiple times and tried to instigate a

Uhhh, no. Jefferson had flying projectiles directly aimed at him first as he walked toward the locker room—beer cans and food, later reports say—and it’s very clear in the video. I’d be pretty upset too if I were at my job and had things thrown at me by people—but are they really?—who feel entitled to assault and

Check out The Gottman Institute. I’m not familiar with them, but I think they use some of this same data while also studying same-sex couples exclusively?

It’s cool that you’re cool with different sexual orientations, but it is not “reverse homophobia” to raise questions about scientific research and information.

Seriously, the rest of us need to stop being triggered every time someone in a minority group raises questions about inclusivity, especially in a world that

Hi Happify,

You have a good point. I think, as some of the astute commenters noted, this study doesn’t fully reflect—or perhaps not at all—the lesbian and gay community yet?

This is a great study, but more information about the demographic used for it would definitely be helpful to all of us, regardless of orientation or race.

It’s clearly not just you based on some of the other terrible attacks on the OP here, but wanting minority groups to want more inclusion is neither ‘screaming racism’ or ‘wanting everything to cater to them’.

I am a cisgender heterosexual, but even I wondered about where the lesbian/gay community fell in this

Thank you for this write-up because I was so not willing to give him any more clicks. I don’t want to help him pay his bail.

To add to your excellent points, let’s not forget how many of these unfortunate souls deported back to Central America are murdered by gangs and drug cartels, from whom they were escaping in the first place.

The least we can do is have empathy for the people who make that dangerous journey here to America just to

But what I’m trying to explain to you is exactly that: it’s not “policing language” as much as it is calling out language being used that is racist or xenophobic.

In this case, we’re pointing out that “Asian countries have serious issues” and ‘Asian countries are worse’ exemplifies the wrong mentality. We’re not

I get what you’re trying to say, but trying to compare inhumane farming in the US to inhumane farming in Asia is just splitting hairs. Torture is torture, regardless where it takes place, and just because the media enjoys playing out the ‘savage Oriental’ stereotype doesn’t mean we should give in to it.


SOME Asian communities, not “Asian countries have serious issues.”

Really. That’s all it takes not to come off racist.

And if he were to enact any registries, this data would help lay out the groundwork.

Perhaps this is coming from your own personal experience, but this is actually a terrible generalization to make about an entire group of people, because it reduces their failures to self-sabotage, which is the same false narrative that racists peddle around to say: ‘Look at them; they always fail’ when in reality,