
It’s not 2005 anymore, we’re not all you, and the socioeconomic status of many people in current America doesn’t always allow for living on their own or even owning a stable home.

But you already know this. At the very least, let’s allow some empathy for the plight of others.

No, please don’t do that. That’s framing it in a false narrative. As someone who admires both Swinton and Cho, is an Asian-American, and can empathize from both of their perspectives, that is definitely not what happened here.

Swinton reached out to Cho, a stranger, to understand the controversy on Dr. Strange, because

Because STEREOTYPES. Negative stereotypes. Black people are not props for white people, and black people are not: cornrows, watermelons, gang signs. Asian people are not geishas and white makeup and exotic fetish symbols—also, that one performance basically mish-mashed different Asian cultures to suit the sex appeal

This. Katy Perry thinks of other cultures merely as costumes or backdrops for her commercial work. My shock at her “geisha” performance was not so much from seeing it unfold, but I guess I never expected a self-proclaimed “woke” artist to not so casually and disrespectfully wear mish-mosh of (Asian) identities. It

I once read a tabloid that claimed Paltrow is allegedly jealous of Jessica Alba and her success with The Honest Company. They—again, allegedly—have some sort of rivalry?

The only difference being, of course, that Alba sells actual products backed by science and research while Paltrow sells mystical bacteria in a jar

She sells goop.

From peddling fake vitamins to exaggerating the effects of airplane radiation to doling out ‘health regimens’ that are what doctors and scientists have called out as “medically unsound” and “dangerous”—she is a dressed-up modern snake oil salesperson who happens to work in Hollywood.

It’s interesting you consider it being “overly sensitive” when the speaker in question is someone who is fervently FOR discrimination?

Makes me wonder what it would take for you to stand up and walk out of the room.

It’s interesting to me that you feel personally affronted when the students whose graduation ceremony it is are making their own decisions when it comes to celebrating their collective hard work and achievements during their 4 years in school. Graduation ceremonies are not about us; they are entirely about the

To be fair, the way we interact with children has progressed as society’s understanding of child development has evolved.

But tantrum/meltdown/lava-flow/younameit, this is not how one treats a child, neither then nor now. Echoing ThirdAmendmentMan: that child could have easily injured her head, arm, shoulder—dear lord,

All I can say is I’m sorry that is happening, and whether they have their own shit or not, there is no excuse for that racism. You’d think our personal struggles would be a good unifier through empathy and understanding, but it’s not the case for all.

Don’t give up. Let’s continue informing our communities.


I’m also surprised Kia went with Melissa McCarthy for their ad campaign. Because “Kia; it’s what God would drive” would have been classic.

Racism isn’t native to one particular nation, race, or culture. But you already know that. I can’t speak for your community in Toronto, but come down to NYC sometime and I’ll show you around. Maybe the answer for all of us boils down to more/better exposure to diverse tribes of people.

Absolutely. But although I too understand the point the writer was trying to get across, the headline is intentionally making it seem as if this is just a case of a man rewarded with justice for simply receiving a gif vs. the women who are not afforded justice, when in actuality, this is more about one particular

The only thing missing in your response is “Some”. SOME Koreans. Let’s not fall into the trap of using one specific group of people as the reference point for the rest of the population. You don’t have to be black or Korean or non-Korean or rainbow to condemn racism in all its forms.

There are many Koreans and

Uhhh, say what now?

Agreed. If Newton had gone for it, THAT would have indeed sealed the game with him in serious injury. It’s almost certain he was weighing the odds in that split-second moment as a herd of Broncos violently raced toward the ball in his direction. Can’t say I blame any QB for making that decision; rather, I’d want my QB

Another way of body-shaming women! I grew up in a very conservative family culture where pretty much any expression of sexuality is considered “too American”—wild and loose and emanating with sinfulness—and I count my lucky stars (all 50 of them) that I was able to rely on the internet to educate myself about my own

Socks with sandals are a sometimes fashion. Who writes these “definitive” guides to fashion, anyway?

I don’t know much about Tyson Fury, but he is everything that I imagined a primitive neanderthal living in the 21st Century to be. Based on his Twitter feed, I also expected the “Gypsy King” to be around 10 years old, but he is technicallybutnotdevelopmentally 27. I’m just impressed he can form full sentences.


Why are people concerned more about the $ amount that Ahmed and his family are suing for rather than the ignorant and shameful way that his community treated him?

This lawsuit is to bring attention to what happened to him, to an innocent child. No doubt, a civil rights advocate reached out to him and said something