I’ve starred many, many of your posts, and you’ve starred quite a few of mine. I’ve never really disagreed with any of your comments, but this is a bullshit position to take.
I’ve starred many, many of your posts, and you’ve starred quite a few of mine. I’ve never really disagreed with any of your comments, but this is a bullshit position to take.
The Kavanaugh story is focused on the premise of his excess drinking leading to sexual assault. The promotion is celebrating the excess drinking portion of the news, so it is being deeply tone-deaf, insensitive, and offensive. Generally, that sort of tasteless behavior on the part of a business warrants apologizing to…
Feminism is bad. It’s a cancer, and it needs to go and be treated the same as racism.
The people who regularly conflate that don’t do it by accident or inadvertently - it’s essentially the only way they know how to protect their privilege - by casting a movement for equality as one of discrimination.
Okay, but if “witch hunts” aren’t wrong then why do you think there needs to be criticism of the witch hunts against men in the U.S.? I can tell already we’re not going to get anywhere by arguing but your basic point is very jumbled.
cool so you don’t actually know what feminism is
So wait... you sound like you’re trying to say people shouldn’t be “witch hunted” regardless of sex... but you don’t have a problem with “hunting down all feminists”? Something tells me you have more of a problem with feminism than you do with sexism and racism, despite your claims to the contrary
.... I don’t think I’ve mentioned Chris Brown in months, or even years. Do you think that all commenters here are the same people?
Hah, not your fault! I jumped to a conclusion. And FYI, you can only edit posts within the first 15 minutes they’re up, by clicking on the three dots to the right of the star (if you’re not on mobile, you need to hover the mouse over that spot for the three dots to show up).
Take a listen to her on Stern. Everything you said is confirmed.
My original comment was referring to Rosanne - I think it was a calculated move to call out Wendy like that. I’m not trying to say Wendy doesn’t have some terrible opinions. but it’s pretty amusing when a guest calls out the host and the audience actually loves it... speaks to the Wendy audience’s love-hate…
she’s an extremely awful human being, but the YouTube comments for both this clip and the full interview are FLOODED with appreciation for that clapback alone - not many comments expressing their disapproval of her as a person... despite Wendy’s audience generally being more liberal. Being shady like that is something…
Yeah, my mistake on the initial one! They both suuuuck on trans issues. So frustrating.
For a second there I thought you were talking about Wendy...she is a known transphobe too, with just as dumb logic as Rosanne’s.
Turns out we’re all talking about Roseanne being shitty and there I was talking about Wendy Williams being shitty. Pronouns! They’re imprecise!
No, it’s quite possible I’m the one who got it wrong, since the original post is about a Youtube Video that I now realize is called “Roseanne Barr’s CLAPS [sic] back at Wendy Williams.” So, everyone else was talking about Roseanne and I was the one talking about Wendy Williams :)
Oh, my fault. I’m commenting on too many articles at once and getting mixed up. LOL So many crazy people to talk about!
... Oh my god, are we talking about Roseanne being awful? I thought the user I was responding to was talking about Wendy Williams being awful, since both are in the clip above. All my anecdotes were from Wendy Williams.
She’s detestable, deplorable, horrible....all of the bad words with -able.
Also, all of her other terrible, terrible opinions, like being “offended” by the existence of HBCUs, blaming a rape accuser for getting on a tour bus, called Chris Brown “misunderstood,” and said transphobic things about Caitlin Jenner.