
It means it not only happened, but somehow Russia is involved.

Or his personal 350 million debt to foreign lenders.

she just replied

I hope she told him that she might consider paying it, but only once he pays off every single person and company whom he has stiffed, personally or through his companies.

This should read “designer”.

I think he would have found an excuse no matter what. It seems clear at this point that Comey meant to violate important standards to hurt Clinton, and would find a way to do so. Weiner made it easier, but I don’t for a second think that Comey wouldn’t have found another way had Weiner been unavailable as a cover.

Who? Every person Trump hires is weird, creepy, a criminal, or says the stupidest thing ever.

Bannon was there. He thought it meant Nachos All Toppings Offered

My face all the time now.

The alliance is not a club with a membership fee.

Why wouldnt anyone stop him from doing this? Surely someone in there knows how and what nato is.

I think you’re very much underestimating the venom that many people in our country have for Hillary Clinton. In retrospect I feel like there was almost nothing she could have done that an insipid “but her emails about Benghazi!” tweet at the last hour wouldn’t have undone. I hate walking around my city with so many

Boomerang. Great film.

Comey is responsible for Comey’s actions. No one else. If the Weiner laptop hadn’t existed I’m pretty sure he would have found some other way to attempt to throw the election to Trump.

If Comey is a neutral player he would have let the American people know that one of the candidates was under investigation for

Yup - the idea that you can “win” at a relationship if you only want it bad enough. It makes me feel sad. Have you seen the first episode of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel on Amazon? It explores this very theme. And it is also by Amy Sherman-Palladino of Gilmore Girls and Roseanne - bonus!

You’ve perfectly described my parents’ relationship. They weren’t happy, but the “failure” stigma kept the marriage together WAAAAAAAY longer than any logical person would have advocated for. There were at least two separations and reconciliations over ten years before they finally ended things.

I like to imagine Huma as Ann and Hillary as Leslie Knope in this situation. Anthony Weiner is like Chris, but a pervert. Hillary calls Huma up like, “Ann you sweet, beautiful dummy, you can’t get back together with Chris! Remember he dumped you, and he sexted a 15 year old. And he ruined our beautiful dream of

Totally going out on a limb here, but for some people the failure of a marriage or relationship (especially once kids are involved) can be felt like a personal failure. Clearly, Huma is a bright, successful, achiever. It’s possible that she has a personality type that sees failure as the ultimate let-down and going