
No. Sorry.

My god. You are me!

Not necessarily. Every body is different and that is a myth. I, for instance, HAD to give birth from my back because the way my pelvic bone is shaped, the baby would have gotten stuck unless he could “limbo” under it while I was on my back.

My guess is that a lot of people who were asked questions by Matt Damon could give him a pithy retort punctuated with his full name at the end.

I think it’s different though, and I get what she’s saying. I know a lot of women who never get married or have kids and that is usually because they’re skeptical of giving up years of their lives to be the thankless in-home care giver for multiple people- usually including the father of their children. They would

One thing I noticed about having kids was the expectation that in these modern times when your parents are sometimes too old or far away to help, and other mommies are busy working too, that your PARTNER with whom you decided to have kids would step in to compensate for much of that village loss. You know, the guy who

I get what you’re saying completely, and I agree with you. When I read gonegirl’s initial post, while it was a little unhinged for my taste, I starred it because I assumed she (I assumed she as well) had grown up in the catholic school system like I did. The hypocrisy, sexism, and double standards were rampant. I went


Millions of stars for you For such a complete response!

Same! Tiny peanut head, huge shoulders, big tall back, fleshy face with tiny features that all rolled to the middle of it. What kind of glasses cover THAT up?

Babycenter is awful. You can find a few normal women on there, but most of them are completely nuts. I wish jez had a pregnancy forum too.

This article is very helpful! I’ll have to keep looking at your articles and maybe even hire you when the time comes.

I think you should have a new “filed to” category called “the struggle bus”

I’m a gen x-er and I remember the years and years of “start every statement with ‘I’” philosophy that was jammed down our throats. It was absurd. We couldn’t say “you were mad when you walked in the room” or even, “you looked mad when you walked in the room”, but somehow just adding the “I feel” at the beginning was

Oh my god! They dance flamenco! So cute.

Yeah- I want to know the story too.

Weddings are great. Just stop forcing people to spend hundreds to thousands just to participate as your guests. That's obnoxious. Also, a wedding should be between two adults. So making it a big prom court coronation usually shows that the couple is probably too young (or immature at least) to be getting married.

I'm a Bernie supporter, but I love this comment so much. People who refuse to vote for Hillary in the general if (when) it comes to it are so blinded by their own egos and braveheart battlefield fantasies that they are being willfully naive about how this shit works and are giving the middle finger to a lot of

Yes. My parents have always had overhead fluorescent lighting to cut down on electricity bills. The only time our family is all together is at their house, so all our family pictures are basically unusable.

That is the most accurate scaled answer sheet I have ever seen. I feel like if you wrote more of them for more subjects, we'd have a quantifiable way to understand everyone.