
I really believe some people on the left prefer to be the out-of-power opposition, rather than govern. Governing takes compromise. Trump as president gives these folks eight years of marching and Facebook-liking and sign waving.

Bullshit. The differences between Clinton and Trump were clear. The dangers were known. It is our responsibility as voters to vote in the best interests of our country, not wait around for someone to tickle our fancy or speak deeply to our personal beliefs. Sometimes you just have to be a grown up and do what’s best

I am against the idea that somehow candidates have to earn our votes personally. The people of Wisconsin knew damn well the differences between Trump and Clinton and it was their duty (as voting is all of our duties, not our whims) to vote for Clinton. It’s not like their differences weren’t clear.

I think you’re missing the point that she still won them. In spite of everything. In spite of FBI and Russian/Wikileaks interference, in spite of Donald’s appeal to racism and xenophobia, in spite of sexism, in spite of news coverage almost universally heavily biased in Don’s favor, Clinton won these voters.

You can parse it all you want, but Clinton won millennials and that’s a fact.

No. You had to put up a candidate independents and millennials would be inspired to vote for.

Greg Palast is one solid source. He’s been doing this kind of analysis for decades, and is unhappily enjoying a renaissance of relevance due to this election. He predicted the election theft, and he pretty much nailed how it would be done. He’s currently observing and reporting on recount activity, or suppression

Soon we will learn that he was not only trounced in the popular vote, but in the EC as well, and that voter suppression kept this from being a historical landslide.

But Democrats do that because they don’t want to burn down the entire country the way that Republicans are willing to. It’s much easier to destroy than maintain or create. I want Democrats to obstruct, but I also can’t blame them for trying to actually govern the country successfully.

What’s frustrating is the amount

Maybe. Myself, I think Don the Con was going to win those unlikely states by about 1% no matter what voters actually did.

All these machinations about how to kick Trump out of office now, or limit his power, when all we had to fucking do was vote for Hillary Clinton in the first place.

I worry about how much the Republicans have been able to disenfranchise voters since they have control over Congress in ways the Tea Party never was. The Voting Rights Act has been gutted and they have been able to gerrymander so many districts. How can Democrats combat that with Republicans controlling everything

Oh Barbara, The View was petty and superficial from the word go. You’re the only one with an inflated sense of the show’s purpose and quality. Let’s not forget you unleashed Debbie Matenopoulous, Star Jones, and Elizabeth Hasselbeck on the world, now shall we? The View always sucked, always devolved into glib, trite

I think there was some of that and a lot of reflecting on the long path to here. It seems like a trailblazer telling others what to expect and not be thrown by.

Authoritarianism. The supporters have forgotten about the commie menace and like Putin - he’s a man who does what he wants, when he wants, how he wants. Putin’s a hardcore nationalist and Trump’s supporters want that for us.

Maybe, I only read it and in the context of the speech and the context of the award, her naming them, some of  whom had been her contemporaries or idols, didn’t seem inappropriate.

It didn’t sound like a boast especially since she brought up the ageist crap she has to put up with. It was just a statement of fact.

There’s a fine line between charming disregard for pointless social convention and hellish brattiness...and J-Law scampers over it like an overcaffeinated 5-year-old.

I want to love my Roomba (we named her Rosie), but I just can’t. She’s kind of a piece of shit at her job but then constantly rearranges my furniture. Like, I know you’re paying me to clean your house but my real passion is decorating.