Nicely done. Your tepid denunciation is very convincing.
Nicely done. Your tepid denunciation is very convincing.
I would say it is more mercy that is about considering mitigation than justice, but certainly you are right that should play a factor. Many people are failed by their families, the state, are traumatized etc., but the vast majority of those people do not commit murder.
Can you provide a cite for the gun-brandishing?…
All good points, but if the Jets score Le’Veon Bell and AB, or even Mike Evans, I think McCagnan is locked in. Perhaps justifiably.
And now Jumaniji.
Respectfully, I think your first point and second are a bit at odds. She was unable to control herself, therefore it should be easy for her to learn self-control.
I agree 50 is severe, though I’ve seen people get that for far less. What irks me is that the idea that she was a victim makes it okay for her to go out and…
She murdered a man she had meant to, and did, rob. 50 years is ok. This guy should get death, though.
Tears of laughter actually started to form in the corners of my eyes as I read the final graf. Thank you, this was much-needed.
Shit, you’re right! (About my erroneously responding to someone else, not about BDS or Israel, of course.) Thanks for the correction!
Nah, that is not what the word “generally” means here! Is that a problem? Nope. It is an invitation, I hope, for you to learn more.
He was orange before it was cool.
Question: when then is it not good?
Counterpoint: no
Troubling. Though BDS is utterly heinous.
You don’t “dawn” a caftan, you “don” it.
I had to stop reading at “instant oatmeal.”
She should have been executed. It was cold-blooded murder she committed, not an ounce of self-defense, and she ROBBED the fucking guy afterwards. Christ this site is awful.
This sentence is the most gorgeous thing I have ever read:
“The writer, Mariah Smith, is black, but the Cut’s editors, and their perspective, are mostly white.”
Transaltion: “Some white douchebag wrote some horrible thing down with white people! I mean yes, a black woman, but still, she must know white people, right?…
Yeah, Deadspin (or maybe it was Gawker) made this same mistake about 10 years ago. And I called them out on it yay!!!
As appalling as this article and, particularly, the comments are, I guess there is some grim satisfaction in seeing the utter ignorant antisemitism of at least the Root-reading segment of the African-American population.
Shame on you.