Nope. Same slow-witted anti-semitic animal, in this case.
Nope. Same slow-witted anti-semitic animal, in this case.
This is the correct take, thank you.
You are mistaking. Antisemitism was a term coined specifically about Jews. It does not--never has--been about Arabs.
All of what you wrote is wrong. Dead. Dead. Wrong.
No no no! Please. I don’t want to be harsh, but you need massive amounts of education on this subject. You can start with this: anti-semitism does not refer to Arabs. At all. Ever.
“I don’t understand why having doubts about the national policy of the Nation of Israel is so toxic.”
It isn’t. And never has been. You know who has these doubts? Israelis. Like, 100% of them. What is toxic, and what Hill did, was wish for Israel to stop existing. That is Jew-hatred. He is a terrible person.
Yes! (And by “yes I mean “Holy fucking shit no!”) Hill is an anti-semite, as was McKinney. As are, 98% chance, you. Scroll back up and see where he neglects to actually talk about what “the river to the sea” means. Silver lining: most anti-semites, like Hill, are imbeciles.
Thank fucking God. What an awful pretend-intellectual tool that guy was. Good riddance to bad garbage.
Also... boycott new shitty Mic?
Bullshit. Stop being a Nazi apologist.
They don’t pick, but they do put their thumb on the scale. Surely you agree?
You have food allergies.
In no way do I mean to, um, face shame, but: how is it that I knew from the picture instantly what party this woman belonged to? I mean, there’s just a certain look (apart from being white)... no?
What did you do?
They literally can’t be! (Since Palestinians are not living in a state of Apartheid. Unless that’s Farsi for Jordan?)
Yeah, I too have to respectfully disagree. Get a nice thick steak, a—yes—rippin’ hot cast iron pan, glug in olive oil, throw in steak (maybe cooks some at off edges first, add butter. Flip as many times as you want (where the hell did the “no-flipping” myth get started?), then slam the whole pan into your hot oven.…
While I cannot endorse all that you say, IPAs taste like filthy frozen nickel. They must all be launched immediately into the center of our galaxy.
But doesn’t “ordered outcome” imply this? Also, why are you grey?