
JFK, MLK and peace movement predate baby boomers. By a lot. Woodstock, sure. So thanks... I guess?

Eh, that sounds OK. Are you a diehard fan of those Colorado teams? IF not, you’re not trying to foist your beliefs on the kids, just giving the some unusual swag.

Go away.


Jacob’s mom has a dipshit for a son
Jacob’s mom has a dipshit for a son
Jacob’s mom has a dipshit for a son
Jacob’s mom has a dipshit for a son

I have been punched in the face thousands upon thousand of times.”

Sure. But this sentence:

Nice article.
I still don’t understand what purpose “Latinx” serves. “Latin” does the same thing.


I will eat my literal hat if you didn’t know any Ashley’s there, though.

What is a shoobie?

Wish Kinja had a laughing/crying/shitting yourself emoji...

Well to be fair, fishing it out of the garbage hours/days later for a second try was hardly being fair to the sandwich.

This should have gotten more stars. That is all.

Serious question: do you sit Saquon and OBJ? Why risk them? Also allows you to see what you have in Wayne Gallman!

Please don’t listen to the assholes, Libby. You could have gone even farther: part of the reason we are in this mess now is that Obama, while doing very well for himself politically, allowed a catastrophic slide in the number of democrats at all levels of government during his tenure.

Yeah, dude, I am uninspired: you

The seats are set too far back to eat comfortably. You would have to perch on the edge and lean forward, I think.

Hannah’s articles give a nice high, but the crash is murder.

Already did that one, Mr. Klansman. Try again? Something pithier. And with another racist video, please.

That’s a little better, but needs more racism from you. Come on, I know you’re dying to let your racist freak flag fly. You let a little of it out above. It will be good for you mental health.