
Even organizing in some of the dumb fuck flyover states is of little use when the districts are gerrymandered, and newly minted Justice Rapey Kegstand is unlikely to help. FWIW, I don’t want small blue states like RI to have two senators, either. It’s absurd.
The founding fathers institutionalized slavery, and the

They don’t think of themselves as useless because, mainly, they are stupid. That doesn’t make me want them to continue to enjoy outsized power and influence.

As little as possible.

It was made to protect slave states, which sucked then, and suck now. Fuck them, fuck the senate, and fuck you.

Yes—and for my money, I don’t see that pushing a frankly, rankly Republican cast-off healthcare plan was all that great. Given the parlous state of the economy, he should have done the whole “shovel ready” bliztkrieg he promised and never delivered on. If he had brought the economy roaring, as opposed to creeping,

Why does Sheila always ask how your weekend was? You know she doesn’t actually care.

This! This this this! Lindsey was even kind of a Never Trumper after the election, but then suddenly got religion and is his biggest fan. That is not accidental.

Sounds like you were like a kid out there! Seriously, that is effed up, glad it has a happy ending.

There is no chance at all Trump would prevail; he has been defrauding people his entire adult life. And in discovery, yet more would be learned about his fraudulent dealings as he would be legally compelled to turn over incriminating documents.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation.

Just looked up how to make. Gotta get off my posterior and do it, thanks!

Point of order: I believe this qualifies as an assless chap:

What protest cannot be ignored? A violent one? Which would only play into their hands. We voted inn 2016, and Hillary won by 3 million votes. We need to break the system and remake it. I don’t think voting will be enough, unless we get really lucky.

You continue to ignore the fact that a “conviction” is not at issue here. What is at issue is a pattern of boorish, possibly predatory behavior, coupled with Kavanaugh repeatedly telling lies, both large and small. He is unfit for the job, and I suspect you know this and don’t care.


Herbed chevre is my go-to, people like, rave and stuff. Sour cream is also good.

There is no way—no way at all— to “train” yourself to hold a cell phone and speak into it while driving safely. The cognitive load is too great. Unless police brains have somehow gotten bigger than normal humans’, which has not, at all, been my experience.

We all wish Obama was still President.

A Martian reading this article would assume young white men are never sexually assaulted in America.

I don’t know. In 12 years, smug, sanctimonious, self-serving internet comments may not have aged all that well, either.