Point of order: I keep hearing this referred to as a “party” but when I was in high school, hanging with four friends was just that, “hanging.” I feel like a party has to have a minimum of 10 people.
Point of order: I keep hearing this referred to as a “party” but when I was in high school, hanging with four friends was just that, “hanging.” I feel like a party has to have a minimum of 10 people.
Counterpoint: Hughley is an ignorant assclown. Trump never admitted to assaulting a specific woman, so could not have been sent to jail for that. The other accusations had the run the statute. It was almost that way for Cos, a little longer and he could not have been prosecuted. Kavanaugh, too, cannot be nailed, even…
You mock, but my Major in Sports Catering with a minor in Ice Therapy rocketed me directly into easy street, i.e., welfare and disability FTW!
I like this, though some foods—like, say, steak or fried chicken, would get cold too quickly if you cut them apart like that.
You seem like a decent, reasonable Pats fan. As a Jets fan, this angers me. More Tawmee from Quinzee, please. I mean, you weren’t even racist in your post??? WTF?
This is all great advice (cotton abosorbs water and gives you hypothermia, folks!), but... is it weird I never hear dthe word “toque” before? Do people really use it?
“Person of color”? Really? I mean, I guess “white” is a color?
Moar Netflix. Plus I fly someone in to teach me the Didgeridoo.
Soon-Yi’s voice deserves to be heard, unless it says something contrary to the thoughtless, shrill didactic Jezebel paradigm. Then her voice no longer matters.
According to the Many Worlds Theorem, Nathan Peterman exists in an almost limitless number of permutations of possible universes, yet he is bad in all of them.
Dude, your guys looked great! The problem of course is your loaded division, where Vikings are also great and even Lions are a threat. But you are in for some legitimately exciting football!
This is the point.
“I’d describe it more like the President is a CEO hired by the sole owner of the company.”
Put all of these people in an ice floe. #yourewelcome
Its players are desperate victims, willing to grind up their brains and limbs for the shot at a big contract, which increasingly only goes to the one position still dominated by whites.
The claws out thing happened in my ff league. It wasn’t just a lopsided trade, which we all grudgingly accepted, but then a trade back, such that they were essentially lending each other players they didn’t need right then. Cheating or no?
Did not see the game, but did he not otherwise struggle with accuracy?
This is simply excellent, thank you. I want to go out and commit a crime just so I can have you be my lawyer.
He already answered this years ago...