
Your mother wears combat boots.

The big thing y’all are missing is opportunity cost. If I had a hundred grand to plunk down for a house plus the means to pay the mortgage, great. But what is the ROI on that house versus, say, investing in the stock market and remaining a renter? Houses are bad investments versus other vehicles.

No NYer gives a rat’s ass about Times Square.

You don’t think it bothers him he cheated to get them? It would bother me. But I’m not him!

Patriots cheat. All the time. Have for years. Maybe you should root for a Team that does things the Right Way?

You were just well-called out for your antisemitism by Whiggly. So I’ll just add a +1 to that.

If the races were reversed, nobody would think for one second race was a motivating factor. Now? It automatically is. Because science?

You are correct, but... Revis was more thief than player his final year with the Jets. He just stood out on the field alligator-arming it until it was time to reach out for his paycheck. That was scummy.

Poppa John never popped his collars. Find a different slant.

Or a stale garlic knot.

Yes, say “Hi, Tarik” as you get in. Their name, not yours. They ought to get it.

You had me right up until you failed to italicize See. You are an impostor, sir/madam.

There is a Russian agent in the White House. Why.... why is nothing being done?

Why can these assholes not wait before they start protesting? The Chicago PD will definitely give you something to be mad about, just wait a second. Don’t make yourselves look like anii by shrieking “murder!” when you have no idea.

Comments here aged so, so well! Maybe next time wait a second before forming a mob?


Are you an imbecile, or just a bad person?

Because that would be poop, I think, is your implication here.

“Shouldn’t be allowed to...” Hm. Yes. Sure. It was not the fault of the violent assholes who did the assaulting, at least we know that much.