
The very fabric of the universe, it would seem, is made of racism. It’s just Klansmen all the way down, I  guess.

Defending OJ should make decent people of any race shun those who do.

Shamed, bludgeoned to death... yes. something like that, sure.

Yes, you should add racism and child abuse to the other side of the ledger, just to balance things out. Very nicely done.

Yes! We all need to get off our asses and help Michael die in a trash fire!

Die. In a fire.

Counterpoint: no.

Well, it would depend on the ultimate numbers we got, wouldn’t it? I confess, I have no idea where the cutoff between “good” and “bad” immigration numbers would be, or how or if skill sets would matter. Love to read an informed opinion on it, though.

Right, no: I’m not arguing against immigration. It goe sbeyond merely “okay” to literally essential for our survival, IMO. What I am arguing agianst is “open borders”, that is, that idea that anyone other than a convicted violent felon, say, can reside and work in the US for as along as they like. In addition to

I tend to agree with the spirit of your idea, but in practice I think open borders would lead to a plummeting standard of life for most Americans.

I don’t think we can have open borders as well as a social welfare system. We just don’t have the money. It’s selfish, but what is the alternative?

“’s already weird enough being a queer person in an aggressively masculine space like a high-profile men’s soccer game.”

Between the World and Michelob.

Kirstjen Nielsen is 100 percent full of shit.

“It gets better.”


So this aged rather nicely:

Was beautiful. Now kind of sad-looking.

But I don’t need to compare them. That’s the beauty of it. They’re both wrong, just as killing your wife for the insurance money is wrong and killing her because of her religious beliefs is also wrong, but in a different way.

I completely accept it is not apples to apples, Brosef. But maybe it isn’t me who needs the helping here?