
Ah, you’re done licking your wounds, I see! Welcome back. No, I learned long ago that childish harping on typos was not only detrimental to conversational flow, but bound to bite one’s self in the ass eventually. Muphry’s Law and all that.

As to stars equaling correctness, that view seems... Breitbartian? Speaking of

if you think there is any kind of prejudice in the USA that is anywhere near the problem white supremacy is, you are tragically unaware of history and the present day. based on your ability to write, i would say you are willfully ignorant.

Even if I were to concede this point (and I assure you I have been far, far tackier in my life), this is not the case here. What we have here, in the OA and OP response, is the case of a lone, violent, shitty imbecile who happens to be white victimizing one black individual and one white individual. There’s nothing

Um, I can’t because they are dead? Using your logic, I can suggest you minimize prejudice against white by telling it to a dead (or living!) white victim. That is a logically insufficient reply to my contention.

No, that’s a strawman. I’m not “prioritizing” it, I am noting it as bad. And it is certainly bad to the victims, who are real, and increasing (see below).

No. This is wrong. A tolerant society cannot give unlimited tolerance to intolerance. The left is shutting down free speech on campus. Don’t get me wrong, right wingers would do the same if they mattered at most colleges, but they aren’t. Liberals are to blame here.

Die, literally, in a fire.

The Nazi thing baffles me. Do these Russian thugs not know what Nazis did to them? Which was nothing compared to what the Nazis wished they could have done. Maybe we stopped the eastern front attack too soon.

But saying one form of murder is horrible and the other is not only not horrible, but totally fine (which is what you are doing here) is a good way to run society?

Speaking personally, I guess I would be a bit of an exception then.

This is insanity. I agree Trump voters are, in the main, vile, and if you tell me you are also vile, I believe you. I have flaws, as all people do, but I am not vile.

That is a fair point, broheim, but does it matter if I kill you because I am part of a system stacked against you or because I just don’t personally like you? You are just as dead either way.

True. And if I flipped your mother the bird and you got mad at me, could I then say “Hey, I didn’t cut her head off, so pipe down”?

I disagree. I think many are to blame, including the DNC, Hillary and her shitty campaign and problematic history, “liberals” screaming about how evil whites are, to name a few.

Though bin Laden was responsible for 9/11, that doesn’t mean many others cannot share blame for not having done enough to prevent it, or

Yes, racism against black people has resulted in more dire consequences for black people than has racism against white people for white people. Still, they are both bad.

If you are called “cracker” as you walk through a project at 3 AM, you would be within your rights to feel aggrieved, I think. And to feel scared. And not especially privileged in that moment.

A gun is more powerful than a knife, but that doesn’t mean that the fact that my grandfather shot your grandfather makes it

“Your arguments would indicate you personally moved him from Russia 25 minutes ago.”

Au contraire, I am happy to respond to substantive points. Indeed, I just responded to our other thread, although using “substantive” to characterize your post there is perhaps gilding the lily. You at least had a point to make—an easily, easily rebuttable one, but a point nonetheless.

I love big words. I love it even

What if my parents came here from Russia 25 years ago? Or what if I came here from Ireland one year ago? What is my responsibility to black people? Is it more or less than a Chinese-American whose family has been here 150+ years? Or person with 3 white grandparents and one black one?

I don’t see how I, specifically,

Well, I’m not sure how personalizing things helps but, as I think I pointed out, you appear to be the one most butthurt here, as the kids say.

Also, and I think this is news you can use, you write very poorly, the kind of writing that might make a stupid person think you knew something, but would cause only laughter,