
What I’m objecting to is this notion of an indivisibly white monolith. I don’t care what slave owners did in terms of my own culpability, because I had nothing whatever to do with slavery, nor did my ancestors, nor would it matter if I were a direct descendant of Jefferson Davis. I am only responsible for me.

More men voted for Trump. Is the OP a man? Does he suck? More older people voted for Trump. Do old people suck? More people who went to college voted for Trump. More non-LGBT. Etc.

There can indeed be a difference, and yet my point remain valid. You aren’t reading/thinking deeply enough on this.

First off, your use of “panties” here is offensive, as it draws an equivalence between female-ness and weakness.

In fact, it is you, and people like you, who contribute to the alienation of Trump voters and thereby lead directly to Trump and all his attendant lunacy. So we have you to thank for him, I guess.

I have seen your posts before: “adult” is not a word that would have sprung immediately to mind.

“If you’re black & don’t mind me talking about “black people,” it’s bc you know it’s not about you. If you get mad, it’s bc it’s about you.”
— MargaretChoad

I was not aware of that, would very much appreciate a cite. You’re right that this makes a difference though, that said, in court I believe it is not admissible, otherwise having committed a crime once you become forever guilty of future instances that occur near you.

I don’t think of it in terms of an entire race being harmed, or harming others. I tend to look at people as individuals (because I am, as you point out, so fucking smart). And white individuals have been harmed by black individuals because of their race.

So how does the behavior of some members of a group mean that all members are culpable? Assume that it was true that black people commit more violent crime (and for fun, assume that black people commit more cross-racial murders than white people): does that mean all black people are guilty of violence? Go back to the

That’s a fair point, but I believe the victim here was, in fact, given the benefit of the doubt, in that an investigation was launched. TNY says that resulted in his firing, as something bad happened. Esquire came to a different conclusion. So, for me, it is simply “not proven.” I’m not sure how it is possible to

Hm, you seem to be the awfully sensitive one here, broflake. If you are suggesting that white people act, generally, in ways that are worse than white people, that is demonstrably untrue.

That is demonstrably untrue.

Racist metaphor! (I kid....)
What is wrong with comparing apples to eggplant? They are not the same, of course, but they also have many similarities, just as racism against black people is not the same as racism against white people, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t both bad.

If I said the same thing about how awful black people are, you would screech your head off, and not be at all mollified by my saying 1) I don’t care about black feelings and 2) you shouldn’t take my totally racist statement as necessarily applying to you.

You had me until the witless racism part at the end.

A cloud will hang over this guy for the rest of his professional life. Perhaps rightly, perhaps wrongly.

I meant anonymous to us. Of course TNY knew who it was (or I would be shocked if they did not.) I am not talking about their judgment (which in this climate is highly suspect) but ours. And we have nothing but vagaries to go on.

“...occasionally the camera lingered a little too long on the breasts of a beautiful woman on a beach...”

I don’t think either of us know what happened. TNY issued a vague statement itself. CNN also investigated and said it was a nothingburger. If I had to guess, I would say there probably was less than pure conduct on Lizza’s part, but I have no idea and neither really does anyone who is not Lizza or his accuser.