
But can we really allow an anonymous person’s vague claims of inappropriate behavior to permanently destroy someone’s life, regardless of evidence or veracity? Lizza has already been punished for what may be nothing at all. I don’t see how this is justice.

I think I just threw up in Scott Pruitt’s mouth a little.

I know it is preaching to the choir, but there must must must be a way to hold officers who do shit like this personally accountable: massive fines, firing, loss of pension, even jail time. We really need to change laws.

And do we know how easy it is for Dmitri from Moscow to spy on you with that thing?

And do we know how easy it is for Dmitri from Moscow to spy on you with that thing?

Why is this about race?

Through prison glass, yes.

Maybe your third prayer can be for discernment and patience?

Yes, she is in dire need of services. State services.

The people who assumed it was true were wrong. Deeply wrong.

Yes, let us get the videos ASAP!

Correct. It is outrageous the department would defend their own officer, especially one who went out of his way to super courteous and friendly, only to have shitbags like the Root posters pillory him for nothing. Fuck outta here indeed.

Another grey here! What did Sherita ask for again? Any updates on the case?

You are a bad person, and should feel bad now.

You are, it turns out, an imbecile. I can tell from your picture.

Must have been. No doubt.

Super, super terrifying. The terrifyingest.

And 17 people liked this abysmally stupid comment.

Tuuuuuuuumbleweeeeeeeds... that said:

What happened? I MUST KNOW!