
Yes, people who sing along to a pop song, when it involves using a word that roughly translates as “dude”, need to have their lives ruined. Science? Science.

Not the same word, not used the same way.

Correct. Big law firms hire white people no matter their qualifications. It’s a wonder they are able to maintain even a modicum of competence that way.

I think it would be fair to mention that Sterling had a gun, had been waving it around, and was possibly on drugs. If those things are true! If not, they should be exposed as lies.

Ah well, I’m afraid I cannot claim to have disproven your cynicism. The relentless push for diversity is in some ways driven by optics.

Please believe. Big law firms would stab you in your eye to get their hands on a qualified diversity hire.

Do you live in Mississippi? You are dead wrong, in any case.

Agree to disagree it is!

I think mocking Melania, in general, is fine. The only Trump who should escape mockery is her son. She married a monster (who would bar people like her and her family from this country), and his sexual thuggery may trigger a constitutional crisis. Asking her to weigh in isn’t fine—it would be journalistic malpractice

That seems not to answer the point I was making. Any spouse would be asked this—Hillary was asked frequently about Bill’s affairs, and it was generally far less consequential than the threats (and illegality) of Stormy, if her allegations are true.

Hm, I don’t see how it is trolling. It is hugely important to her life, her family’s, and the country. Also, I am 99.88 percent certain she watched it anyway.

The silencing and the threats, for sure.

Nah. It’s a totally legit question. Her husband cheated on her multiple times, engaged in unprotected sex, bullied the women he fucked and possibly threatened their lives. She needs to speak.

For the 22567th time, this is idiotic. I was going to add “useless”, but it isn’t: that kind of thinking is what helped Trump win. So... thanks!

He did beat and rape his first wife. But he was a younger man then.

Dom, do you have any thoughts as to which QB Jets should draft?

Counterpoint: they are green.

None of those things are nearly as dangerous as what these two men were doing.

Twister is a very, very bad movie. Commercial interruption would be a relief.

Erm, the Seahawks’ stadium is publicly funded, no? So, indirectly, for sure, the players are subsidized by taxpayers. In fact, Deadspin has gone on at some length railing, correctly, against this practice.