
Pretty much... but the solution there is, somewhere along the line, to get a better job...

With an employer match and a princely 25K salary, saving 2% garners 130K. Not enough, but... of course you need a better job. And it is still much better than 0 dollars, right?

The trashtalk thing with Crab wasn’t just disgusting, it was idiotic. Implying that your opponent is very bad doesn’t mean you look very good. Quite the opposite.


Was gonna type a whole long thing, but IonizedDare already did it better than I could.

Damn. But 25 interviews is great! Before I landed a good job, I sent out about 1,000 resumes. Two interviews.

Coworkers “openly dated”????!?!?!? Nooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! How are they not in prison??? I cannot even with this.

Loesch is a scumbag, but she isn’t wrong about the tears part.

I hate absolutely everything about that gif, and cannot stop watching it. Damn you.

I know Deadspin has mad lawyers in the commentariat—can anyone tell me what the hell is illegal about all this? Against NCAA dumbfuckery, sure. But illegal?

I enjoyed the movie, but... it didn’t... actually make any sense, did it? I mean, the ending was a horrible jumbled mess that undercut the entire premise. Or...? <insert flame here>

You had me right up until “white people.” You think black people don’t vote for shitty candidates?

Please, please die.

Or... he just heard him wrong? Unpossible?

No. No no no. I am sorry to be blunt, but did you do any research on this at all? “Uppity” is not a per se racist word, though of course one should take some care using it.


Such a prescient take. You should bet on games.

Assclowns at the Root wrong? Shocked face.

If BLM marches are filled with people like you, only an asshole would go to them. So... I guess you’re right, Ivanka should go!

Absolutely enroll them—and yourself! You need to try to outpace them so you can be a better teacher.