I don’t understand this St. Michael stuff. He was a bad, bad person. The cop who killed him may also be bad, but that doesn’t make Michael Brown good.
I don’t understand this St. Michael stuff. He was a bad, bad person. The cop who killed him may also be bad, but that doesn’t make Michael Brown good.
They are worse than Hitler, truly.
I can answer that! He bankrupted it by saddling it with tons of debt. Banks bailed him out because they had to, or they would lose all the money they foolishly lent him.
Respectfully, I would ask you who in the name of holy fuck are we supposed to be “working with”? John Kasich? Ted Cruz? The mainstream face of conservatism is 1) losing ground and 2) full of unmitigated assholes. We need to let them know that they’re going to get called out—they really haven’t been by center dems. And…
This idea should not be shouted down. It should be red-facedly screamed down, with a concomitant spray of spittle. Trumpkins do not now—or ever—get to whinge about civil discourse. Eight years of abusing a man who was 1) the first black person to hold his office and 2) one of the most—if not the most—decent human…
You met a Cosby defender IRL? A rare bird, for me.
“...from a carefully worded nice-nasty memo emailed to one’s underperforming staff at the job...”
Words form reality, amigo. Which is why you owe me 50,000 dollars (American). Because the words tell you that you do.
Don’t you dare bring science and logic into this. It’s about JERRRBS!
Tangier is already dead (and good riddance!). Now get to work reducing emissions to lesson the coming catastrophe for others.
That’s a salty reply. But the basil ganglia of these bandwagoners make me want to say, gingerly, that it is fairly oreganic, given that their star is named... curry.
Shaun King is a half-wit. That is all.
Counterpoint: it mostly sucked, and there was never, ever a reason to tune in to the Foregone Conclusion.
I dunno, looks like they fixed it? Who knows, perhaps they’ll even ungrey me for my free labor...
Please review for multiple typos.
Yes, I am saying that’s not right. Next question?
Um, duh? It’s cockney rhyming slang. “Slap” = “Chipotle Wrap”. He admired her question, and so wanted to buy her a burrito. He only said she should be careful because there was a strong possibility she could inadvertently poop herself after consuming same.
Long live Gawker.
This is good Gawker.