What Kaep did was seen by many, justifiably, as disrespectful. Which is exactly how he meant it. “Hey, I think y’all are pieces of shit. Now hire me, dammit!”
What Kaep did was seen by many, justifiably, as disrespectful. Which is exactly how he meant it. “Hey, I think y’all are pieces of shit. Now hire me, dammit!”
In Irvine? More Asians now, but I doubt that’s what she’s talking about.
Hey, I live in your building. Just thought you should know I can hear you masturbating.
You mean no stats from When They Played the Game the Right Way? For shame.
“... the white man’s ego?” Racist much?
At lease those animals’ lives are over. Buried under the jail, please.
He wasn’t a stranger; she trusted him. He’d groomed her for a long time for just this purpose. And he was her firm’s most important client.
I find them generally rude, lazy and mostly incompetent. And (perhaps no coincidence) protected by a strong union.
How can you stand there and watch me (rope) burn?
Yes, my climb would have rechristened the cliff El Crapitan.
No player can be hit by a meteor unless they are in space.
Cis? Wow, no idea that was a thing back then.
Yeah, the family sold everything, including a car for cash (American and Argie) then lost the bag. Guy put a notice on FB, as did Mm, eventually they found each other. Dude seems pretty chill.
Spot. On.
Uh, I guess you never heard of “balance”?
I believe it’s called a wattle?
Am I the only one who sees the ball boy run directly at the Met? Could not be more obviously deliberate.
Um, all the hos he banged? He’s gonna need a bigger bottle.
Like MJ’s death, Tiger’s would be good as well.
He was, before this incident, a known garbage human. That he would put every driver around him in danger means he deserves our sympathy, along with our lethal injection.