Maybe smoking a regular cig? If no smoking in that bar?
Maybe smoking a regular cig? If no smoking in that bar?
Yes, I agree 100% with this. Abolish the FBI now! If you are tired of them persecuting cybercriminals, child pornographers, and the mafia (as I think we all are) blow it up right now.
This is terrible analysis. Just absolutely dreadful. Comparing today’s FBI to the bad old days just shows how desperate you are to make this bogus point. The FBI does tons of amazing stuff, from cybercrime to catching child porn purveyors to breaking the mob. That is not to say they are perfect, and things can always…
I think Garoppolo is maybe a Josh McCown+. Pats should deal him this year for a high draft pick, then pick the QB of the future next year. Falling in love with this guy now is crazy.
He’s a dick, but she’s complaining about “risk free”? Did he touch you in a bad place? Grow a pair.
Please don’t let people joke about this. I know that’s a buzzkill, but please.
“Ben gets to live his life as a divorceé...” I think you kind of buried the lede here. Has he picked out his new female name?
Truth. When are we ever going to get black running backs and black wide receivers into the game? I’ve given up on the gloryboy punter position, as I think we all have. That will be lily white forever.
Getting in some high-altitude littering is high on my bucket list.
You happened to be having a mustache growing contest at Halloween? And you can’t tell the difference between a sombrero and a cowboy hat? And you “check” “cheap boots” as being Mexican? Um, what?
Okay. So other people misconstrued the point along with you, therefore you are correct. ¡Maduro!
No, you have to do better than that. Your OP was pretty good, just a few small holes to show you were making it all up. But you kind of dashed off your last response, I guess the mask is wearing a bit thin? If you reply to this, I am going to demand at the very least a return to your OP concern-troll form--if not…
Pretty sure exactly 0% of your story ever happened. It has, as we say in Mexican, uno ringo del fake-ismo. So, either you’re concern-trolling potential SJW’s (likely) or are in fact that much of a clueless beta (less likely, but possible). Either way, I think my remedy is more than fair.
The reverse story would elicit automatic sympathetic cries of “Rayyyycisssm!”
If this kid was black, you’d be crying racism.
Christ on a fucking crutch, have you looked at corporal punishment rates among African Americans? Try Googling “Adrian Peterson abuse photos”, then come back here and apologize. I will hold my breath.
Well, I am forced to agree with your last sentence. So that leaves me with “Which method makes me feel better?”
I do not expect compassion from them; I am quite confident I would never get it. And indeed, this forms the basis of my remarks. When inner city people of color are struggling, it is because they are lazy welfare queens. When poor whites struggle, we must all lard on the empathy? I think not.
To assuage your imaginary guilt?
Abandoned how? What was supposed to be done for them? And aren’t these the same “I dont want my hard earned money going to some lazy welfare people” people? They need someone to blame, they need to take a good, hard look in the mirror. And then get a fucking job.