
Right. So you told him it was important to remember the thing that he already clearly, in his post, knew? You understand what the word “most” (paraphrase: “some might disagree”) means, and yet still you want to pretend he wasn’t saying that and start shit? Yeeesh.

Not only did the OP not say everyone of their persuasion shared that POV, they specifically alluded to that not being the case.

Yes. All sports should have poor sportsmanship. It’s valuable.

It’s not too late for you to punch yourself in the face.

Really? A white person literally cannot wear that hat? Because the next step is... FEMA death camps?

Yes, this person’s lived experience of their own ethnicity basically means fuck all. People who were sombreros might as well wear KKK hoods.

Wearing a sombrero is essentially perpetrating a second Holocaust. I’m glad people are finally seeing this.

It’s so great that she gets to be internet famous for plagiarizing something. ‘Murrica!

Goddamn it, you got people looking at me funny in the office. (I mean, more than they usually do.)

Not necessarily. And you can pay more for getting stuck in traffic, longer route, etc.

Simple solution: DNA test them!

Esperanto is not a different “dialect.” Yeesh.

That word, she do not mean what you think she mean.

He called her a socialist?

You left out “lamestream” and “Sheeple”. Sad!

It’d be a damn sight better than the ideology you have now.

This reads like a ransom note.

Gone in 7 seconds.

People who climb Everest are dicks. No cred whatever.*

Look, United employees are only human, right?