
Your syntax is also lacking, bucko. Trump is a yuuuge loser. We laugh at him, and you.

Who is shutting him down? No one, as far as I can tell. But yes, I am for sure above this dude. Probably even at basketball, and I suck out loud at basketball.

If it were a Morgan City club, the name could have been Socker MC.

Indeed. My question: surely Alshon understands the difference between guaranteed and non-guaranteed $$. I am not a football player (some call me Chris Kluwe) and I know this. So why is Schefter “advising” him in this way?



That is a wall I suspect Mexico would be happy to pay for.

Do we know what the texts said?

True, but... prior to reading this article, if I have chicken tikka masala over rice and get sick as a dog a couple hours later, I’d be more likely to eye the chicken with suspicion.

Or, if you got something goopy that is also left over, stir the rice into the goop. It’ll be just fine the next day when you nuke the whole mess up.

Perhaps, but... ever had food poisoning? Or just a grump tummy? The bitch of it is, you never really know where it came from...

This is excellent Kinja. Question: what is an “hr”? Human resources?

Does Adam Jones even lunchpail, bro?

I hope this gets the love it deserves.


My first thought. Revis’s fall guy, soon to star in his own movie “The Graduel.”

I read the article. It asserts a documentary exists which “proves” Brown did not rob the store. The documentary, and this article, are horrible and bad and wrong. Brown tried to barter drugs earlier for the cigs (hero!), failed, then went back to strong arm rob them. The world is a richer, better place without him.

Tulsa? Are you serious? When did that happen? 2011? 1997? Refresh me.

Brown was pure garbage. The documentary shows him failing to barter drugs for the cigarillos he eventually stole in a strong arm robbery. His death is a net benefit to all. No. Question.

Thank you for leaving out “anti-semitic” at the end, HamNo. It very much helps to explain your own political philosophy.