
Perhaps they should both fall off the ends of the earth.

No. For being the Tomatoface Troll.

Yes. I deny your humanity. Die. Die in a fire.

Ooh! It’s beginning to get agitated. I like it’s emotion. I would like it better shrieked at the top of your lungs, while napalmed, to cheers from your mom and dad.

The sweet stench as your skin fries, a wonderful thing to behold. If only a time machine could have been invented, and your parents sterilized long before you were hatched.

Die. In. A. Fire. Screaming.


Lead the way, won’t you?

Hey, just a sec! As a Jet fan, I can tell you it actually isn’t so...

False. There are no black guys in Utah.

If Burneko is to be believed, this would particularly apply to all Cincy QBs.


I’m not lobbing an accusation, I’m accusing of something you essentially admitted you are doing (and failing to provide any evidence at all, other than not liking Hillary, that I am a misogynist). Reread your first paragraph—you’re saying I’m not necessarily a misogynist, just someone who fits the profile perfectly.

1) I don’t hate Hillary, though I don’t like her that much, either. After all 2) I voted for her. 3) I don’t see where I have said, or even implied, anything even vaguely misogynistic. Can you show me where I have? Your responses seem to indicate that you feel that anyone (or, at least, any man) who does not like

Well, you seem to be someone who prefers to talk at, rather than to, so perhaps you are ultimately correct. Likewise.

At once boring and horrifying.

I’m not sure what it is that you don’t agree with. Are you a misogynist for saying something negative about Warren?

I don’t think it is even remotely close to that, let alone “dangerously”. There was nothing about Clinton’s “woman-ness”, whatever that might mean, that I found off-putting. Indeed, her being the first female Prez was a selling point. One of not very many, alas.  

Hm. I have to disagree. For one thing, he is a Gawker refugee. Not really a very good fit for DS. I also don’t think it being hard to vote for Hills is a per se sign of sexism. It was hard for a lot of women, too. It was hard for me to do, but I would have pulled the lever for Liz Warren with a big ol grin on my face.

Sucking up to whom? HamNo? It is to lol—I hate at least 80% of what the guy writes. And yet, weirdly, what HamNo thinks and does is not automatically what all guys think and do.