
They’re getting even shorter now. Did I spy an exclamation mark? So rageful. So sad. So funny.

Nope. Not reading. Dismissed.

Dammit, you got me! I actually saw the word “you.” That’s it.I bet what followed was totes amazeballs. 

Yeah, the TP was like “Hm, most people seem to hate what we stand for so... DOUBLE DOWN, BITCHEZZZ!

Still not reading, but I can see they are getting shorter, the replies. Are they penitent? Thoughtful? I suspect not, but I guess I will never know.

I totally agree.

Moar? X 2? Still didn’t read. So much sadness. Again, you can still the pain. Eat that shotgun, dear.

Did you just follow me to a different thread? I think it was you, apologies if it wasn’t. I of course deleted it, again, without reading. Strange, if it was you, to think you’d think I give even a half of a shit what you have to say.

Yeah, I just think we’re in kind of a What’s the Matter With Kansas situation. The union/blue collar left is perfect for those folks, but they can’t ever seem to see it. And they’re moving away.

I see your points.

Well, you don’t have to, but it helps, no? I mean, the Rs are doing eff all to help. Also, there’s this fundamental problem a lot of Ameircans have in thinking like temporarily embarrassed millionaires, instead of the forever lower middle class they will likely always be. And they don’t want their meager dollars going

Ehhh... maybe. Clinton is/was more “what do you want me to be.” Why she tacked left herself because of Bernie. But that is not, I think, the way to get Trump voters on board. Maybe energize the base? But maybe also alienate some. Depends on what moving left means. If it’s more identity politics, then for sure no. IMO.

Yes. When the country rejects the candidate of the liberal bourgeois left for a right wing fascist imbecile, tacking harder to the left is surely the answer.

I am not. The key word here is “target”. Hamas tended to hide amongst the civilian population. This meant the Israelis could either 1) do nothing or 2) attack a heavily populated area. They chose the latter. As would most governments.

But Israel has mechanisms, as does the US, of punishing those who kill innocents. Perfect? Not even close. But they exist. For Palestinians, unlike Israel and the US, killing civilians isn’t a bug, it’s a feature. There are no mechanisms whatever to punish people who do this. On the contrary, they paint your fucking

Right. The report indicates that “...the militants clearly wanted to sow terror among Israeli civilians, just as they said they could not find clear evidence of why Israel targeted residential buildings in Gaza late at night, risking mass civilian casualties.”

Oh, no, you are of course eprfectly free to judge, and judge harshly. What I’m saying is, put in context, it doesn’t make Israel somehow unusually bad. Frankly, I’m surprised there’s any left wing left there at all, let along the robust one they have had for many decades.

Interesting analysis. I agree about Bibi, and I think he’s playing an incredibly dangerous game. Trump is a maniac narcissist idiot who doesn’t actually give a shit about Israel, pro or con. He could easily be persuaded, perhaps by Bannon, to be hostile. Well, at least Americans aren’t the only ones who fail to grasp

Hey, I just went ahead and dismissed, without reading, your latest wall of text. It’s clear at this point that you are 1) very stupid 2) a troll and 3) an antisemite.