
What is HSRC again?

I don’t believe your assessment is correct. Hamas uses human shields to hide behind while they shell Israel. This is very clever (if horrifying) in that it puts Israel in a bind: do nothing (enraging your own population) and encourage further attacks, or strike back, knowing you may kill innocents? Like virtually any

I don’t care for Bibi, either. I think he thinks DT will be a better friend to Israel rather than the somewhat cool friend O was. My point is that right wing politics become ever more tempting when you fear for the literal existence of your country. That’s why I’m sympathetic to the Israel right wing, if not in

Thanks for that—we may have been separated at birth! The only daylighti can see is that, while your point about angrey white dudes is well taken, I’m not sure it’s strictly speaking accurate. In terms of single incident body count, nothing beats 9-11.

A few points. 1) This is not actually addressing my point. Which, at least, you appear to be conceding. 2) “Apartheid state” is a) dead wrong and b) and antisemitic slur here and 3) The US is not beset by enemies in anything like the way Israel is, and we elected Donald Fucking Trump and a Republican Congress.

You think it isn’t remembered in Israel? You’d be wrong. No, Israel does not practice terrorism. This is the key difference. The US killed many German civilians during WWII, but this was not terrorism. Modern day Israel bends over backwards to keep civilian casualties low. And your surety is misplaced: Israelis do not

Do you know what eating a shotgun is?

Okay, you officially refuse to answer a basic, obvious question. Why? Because it rubbishes your idiotic little gotcha attempts. So, great: who did you in fact vote for?

Do you know what a dumb cunt is? (Hint: answer in your mirror.)

I do see how it works. You try, again, bratty little asides, distractions, and farcically lame attempts at deflection to distract from the original point, which is that Ellison (and you), are filthy antisemites.

Yes, I mean that election, you simpering troll simpleton. Given that a vote for anyone else has no chance of electing that person, assume that you had the only vote, and you could only vote for H or D, which would you vote for?

That’s well put. But when the policy of said people and their democratically elected government is to deliberately target innocents, and this continues right up to the present day (stabbing a little girl in her bed, for example) and when these outrages are met, by the perpetrator population, with sweets in the

I know not everyone here is on the same page, and DS can lean a bit to the left these days, but I hope people who are angry at Israel might take just a minute and think about what you just read, and how Israelis felt living through it, and how that might make them feel about a people who not only deliberately murder

Pro tip: just stand over her shouting “DO YOUR JOB”. I know a certain be-hooded genius for whom that works wonders.

Context? Okay. The recent motherfucking election? How about that (insanely obvious one)?

I know when a person refuses to own their shit. You hate Jews. It’s cool. Very popular right now.

Oh, and one more thing: if you’re not okay with antisemitism, why aren’t you criticizing Ellison’s?

You’re right. Context matters. So so so so many ways in which Trump might be, in the right context, vastly superior to Hillary. Right? May I ask, gently, if it is your intention to come off as a blithering idiot? But fine, I’ll let you Choose Your Own Adventure: in what political contexts might you choose, if it were

If it was a white college dude who was talking about all the evils black people have committed here and around the world, he would get... nothing. No DNC Chair. No Lt. No seat in Congress. Nothing.
