The Trump v. Clinton question. You are attempting to make it seem difficult to answer, convincing only yourself, if that.
The Trump v. Clinton question. You are attempting to make it seem difficult to answer, convincing only yourself, if that.
I was going to try some kind of Kinja/Kinbote extension here, but... I simply can’t top what you did. Well played, Ms. Darkbloom.
At first, from the way you were speaking about our elections, I assumed you were an American. Then I started to realize you probably weren’t. That is what allowed me to shoot down your “clever” little gotcha. Sorry. (Not sorry.)
Well, they were Saints, so... maybe the they were projecting a kind of nervous-making Sharper Image?
Haven’t seen this many reeling, half-dead birds since they booed Donovan McNabb.
Did you know that the subtitle of the work you reference was originally “The Chris Kluwe Story”?
Again, am not asking you who you voted for. I am getting the feeling you are ready to spring some entirely odious “surprise” on me that you are a limey or a canuck or some such and then type out the long list of polite, faceless people you in fact did vote for. tl;wr.
I will take your deal! Look back, read carefully, and you will see I answered your question, over and over again. As for Tim Kaine, it literally hurts my brain that you think you have some kind of amazing “gotcha” there. Smdh.
I demand pictures of you literally eating a bag of diseased penii. I’m sure you must have some lying around...
If Perez had actually wanted that, why would he have run against KE specifically so he would not be the face of the party?
Of course he isn’t the face of the DP, especially losing to Perez. Who do you vote for?
Dude, I thought we had gotten this discussion to a more temperate level. If I was wrong about that, let me know, and I will adjust accordingly.
Come on, man. I just told you, I support the D’s, because that’s all there is. The other way is madness. That doesn’t mean I have to love every single thing they do, does it? I’ll tell you more: though I voted for Hils, in the primary I was for Bernie. Even though... drum roll... KE was his guy. So, Bernie was wrong.…
What? My God. You don’t even really comprehend English, do you?
You need to read my words more carefully.
You’re just babbling now. Cool.
Thank you, yes, I am aware. I still think it’s worth giving him a public ass-kicking.
The D party has long had an antisemitic streak, going back quite a ways. And the further left you go, the more pronounced it becomes. I have to be on the left end of things, because their policies are, generally, vastly superior to what the right has to offer. And even if it weren’t, it isn’t as though antisemitism no…
What’s wrong with Olenick’s voice? Or, as you might put it, his “Jew voice”?