
Extraordinary that your post has gotten, as I write, 65 stars. It is positively imbecilic.

Fuck. Those. People.

“And so you see, kids, when a crab leg loves date rape very, very much...”

Si se suede?

Me too. Note: I was rightly corrected below, doorman was not an off duty cop, some other random door guy who called it in was off duty. (Which... is that setup really a good idea?)

You are correct, thanks.

I think the doorman is an off duty cop, told Porter that Porter had threatened to kill him last time he was there so he was not letting Porter in. Porter took exception. I think. See here:

They got rid of Marshall because of Inside the NFL. They did not want him flying out to NYC to do it midweek, but Marshall was already looking ahead to a career in the booth, I think, so felt he needed to. So, they not only canned his ass, but asked for basically a half a fish sandwich in return, just for

Yeah, I’d take that. That might be a strong enough drug to finally clear Geno Smith from our system once and for all, speaking of disease vectors. Perhaps he could go to the Bears!


Can I ask what any of this has to do with the Klingon High Council pictured above?

Would not surprise me. Also would not surprise me if it were higher. So... “sizeable majority”?

That’s funny, and a good point. Perhaps we could construe her remarks as “the vast majority”.

How many more?

There is nothing “odd” about what she’s saying. I know it doesn’t fit into the political agenda here, but it isn’t odd. And when she claims the number is 98%, she was in the league a good while. I trust her opinion over, say, yours.

This is so utterly bad and wrong. The reason “black people get shot at disproportionately high rates while unarmed because of racism” isn’t even in the same spiral arm of the galaxy of fact that the earth is fucking round. One thing is “a pretty good guess”. The other is “an incontrovertible fact about our universe”

True, thug can be a racist dog-whistle! Good boy! Milk bone for you!

Yeah, I just listened to it, expecting some kind of train wreck, but it wasn’t. It was fine. There were, I may say, more “pyrotechnics” than I myself care for, but I just don’t get the outcry.

He must feel so violated right now.

As a Jet fan, I concur.