
Revis’s motto: Safety first!

Okay! That is fresher! Still pure, drooling idiocy, but fresher!

I think I gave you advice, no? Advice whichi you appear not to be taking. You transparent alt-thug concern troll!

I never said I wished for you to die. Should I be wishing for that?

Stop using oxygen if you’re only going to waste it.

Stop pretending not to be a fascist?

There’s no such thing as no such thing.

He punched his baby mama, while she was holding his baby. He also speculated about her getting “raped by a pack of niggers.” And many other horrific things. The sugar tits thing is the one thing he didn’t, in fact do.

And? You’re creative? One time I tied the plastic twist type thing came with the bags I boosted from the Exxon Men’s into what you might call a flower shape? Junkyard Jenny wore that gimcrack corsage proud as a peacock as my date at the Hobo Ball down in the abandoned ball bearing factory. The toilet wine flowed like

Well said, except for the bit about “trigger warnings” being important. They are not, ever. They exist so privileged people can feel like victims, too. And make everyone pay attention.

Concern troll much?

You already said that dumb thing. Say a fresher, dumber thing, please.

Only an idiot--and a shitbag--would misclassify this as “slander”.

I think you forgot to mention Farrakhan. And, you know, the antisemitism. But hey, that’s one thing that unites left and right these days.. Jew hatred! Whee!

Sorry, you want more? I am not your “son”. Not related to you at all, actually (I hope). I see that the internet is a very difficult place for you. Feel free to shove it up your ass.


Just a note: it wasn’t merely “rapes”. He beat one teenage girl so savagely she has blindness and likely permanent brain damage. I agree Morris could easily be rehabilitated, though. As mulch.


Hear fucking hear. All the Orson Welles applause gifs for you.

He should come up with a YouTube ep where he kills himself, live. Super edgy, super funny.