
punch. in. the face.

I am the opposite of what you say you are. I am exactly the person in this letter. Always kind, calm, drama-free, never rocking the boat, always trying to be rational and say exactly the "right" thing, instead of what I really mean. And you know what? At 37, not one man has EVER wanted to spend the rest of his life


Oh god, she's so bad with rape and victim blaming. I tend to skip those parts.

Crying, brb.

Any story that has "Gets Kicked In the Dick" in the headline is A-ok in my book.

50/50 is definitely rare - I know because I'm one of those 50/50 people, and I've yet to ever meet another!


She's clearly going to grow up into an awesome lady. :) If building is really her thing, please look into groups like Future Scientists and Engineers of America to stimulate and build those brain muscles.

Well their sets are usually of sets from movie series/fantasies I think that is why they do so well, and their prices (over 150 dollars for a good set) are ridiculously expensive. These are toys I would even buy at the age of 26 too, because well Lego + Harry potter/Star wars/Lord of the Rings sets = adult fun that is

We have been getting females in sets like those the Lego City range: female firefighters, female police officers, female Arctic explorers... even female rubbish collectors. It might not be at complete gender parity levels, which is worth addressing, but it is there. And of course there's stuff like the Research

And to all the people who say anything can be part of a joke: yes, but not anyone/anything can be the butt of a joke. Big (important) difference.

the difference is, you as teller are choosing to make a joke . The recipient isn't choosing to listen. You are making the choice for them, whether you are a survivor or not is irrelevant from the perspective of the audience/listener.

There's still a difference.

I just wanted to pipe up and show my support after reading your thread. It seems like you've been getting a lot of hate from people choosing to willfully misconstrue your original point and just attack.

I think the issue isn't really about whether you can or cannot make rape jokes. No matter what you're joking about, if someone in your workplace is offended, you should stop. And no one should be fired for saying "hey, this one thing really bothers me."

Yeah, that kinda ruined it, didn't it? I was laughing my ass off at Liam Neeson calling 9-11 because of a spider when I abruptly stopped because of the cheap, dumb Bieber joke.

Totally agreed. It was put at the end too, as if that would be the high note, instead of the note that made me feel kinda sick. :(

I think this is fair criticism and I'm replying to bump this way up. Thank you, Marcy.