
I mean, yeah...but this is just saying "you're stupid and heartless, go learn something that should be obvious." It's not really an effective education, and, to be honest, it's not really obvious, especially to those not affected by it. Jokes about death can be both funny and genuinely meaningful. Jokes about rape


Ughh... it's hard to be a comic-loving lady, sometimes. Every time we speak up, people tell us to STFU and "learn to take a joke".

As a bi woman who's mother told her at 14 (when I was first starting to question my sexuality) that me "being a lesbian would be the one thing [she] couldn't handle", which caused me to repress that part of myself for the next decade, thank you for that. I wish more parents were like you.

I say stuff to my girls like "one day when you're bigger you might meet a nice man or lady and fall in love". They're 3 and 5. I figure if I always keep it open, they'll never have to *come out*, they'll just BE out.

Won't somebody please think of the rapists, and how this affects them?

We need more parents like you in the world :)

Ugh, I'm an idiot and misread the post. As penance I promise to start using fuck your mouth so it become slang and eventually a tiny little potty mouth child will actually say it after being doused with ice water.

Was really happy when I headed over there, ready to front whatever the hell his needs were, and saw that people had already dropped ten times the number.

Maybe he hoped that the people who have said that they loved him all his life would live up to that and accept him.

I'm not a woman, so I have no experience with being sexually assaulted like this

THIS. ALL OF THIS. Yes. You literally get it from both fucking sides. "How dare you not speak up" or "But why did you speak up?" Fuck. That. Noise.

...She pushed him off of her. She didn't throw a punch, didn't initiate a fight. Just shoved him off of her, because he was physically assaulting her. Also, why did you feel the need to say this? It amounts to "you were asking for it, bitch" and it's said ad nauseam every fucking time an article like this is posted.

We have to be "trained?" Ugh.

I am a bisexual woman in a monogamous marriage with a man, and I can say firsthand that it SUCKS SO MUCH being uncomfortable speaking to friends and family about the fact that no, they really should not take it as a given that you're straight - or that anyone is. When I'm around my family, I feel like a huge portion

As a bisexual I really feel like I am keeping part of myself closed to friends and family who don't know, I am much more relaxed and my full self with people who know the full me and the topic rarely comes up around them it's not like I talk about my sexuality all the time, it's just nice not to have to edit myself.

If BK screws up Tim Hortons somehow, I'm going to just go ahead and release the hell-moose on them.

Okay, I'm neither American nor Canadian, but having lived in Canada for 10 years, I'd say Canada kicks American ass, and fuck a Starbucks.

The "key" to a healthy marriage? The key? Really? My level of respect for Jez, admittedly, has its peaks and valleys but I'm not sure that I've read a more ridiculous lead-in than this one, ever. "Marijuana May Be the Key to A Healthy Marriage." REALFUCKINGLY?

Among the connections they hypothesize, "marijuana may increase positive affect, which in turn could reduce the likelihood of conflict and aggression."