

But transsexual and transgender are not the same so labeling every trans person as transsexual would be incorrect. It would also be incorrect and dehumanizing to merely call them "transsexual".

I, for one, will absolutely never forget this. If this is the way they want to do it, fine. I hope they choke.

Just to touch on the subject of "men don't understand rape"... I've been thinking lately that they really don't, on a physical level.

Hi Marcy, as the friend of someone who committed suicide a little over a year ago, i just wanted to say thank-you for still fighting! (My friend was "just" depressed, but the pain got to be too much for him last year in late November.) I know that fighting is hard, but you are obviously strong- you've made it this

My girlfriend is transgender, and I thought she had been acting weird for the past few days.

Chris Rock had a really interesting (and pretty true) comment about Obama and progress in America. He said that Obama being elected isn't black progress because there have been capable black candidates for many years. It's white progress because America finally accepted that reasoning and elected a black man.

Did she really just tell Laverne Cox that she needs to know what racism "really is?" Yeah, Laverne Cox has totally no idea about "real racism." Yes, Whoopi. Laverne has never experienced oppression. Totally. And it sounds too close to wishing it upon her too =/

Whoopi is such an asshole.

This just goes to illustrate that our language is an evolving thing, and there isn't even always consensus within our own community. While the word 'Transgendered' may not technically exist in the strictest sense, it was commonly used by those in the community not too long ago. I just happened to read about how the

I'm kind of curious how gender confusion actually enters into this. It seems to me that both main characters pretty much strongly identify as male. The only kind of confusion there is at the beginning, but it seems to me that's because one of the main characters is forced to present himself as female. As an avid anime

I think it's been upgraded from "inconceivable" to "perverse" over the last few years, but then any construct of woman's sexual desire that is a product of women's own agency instead of a reflection of men's desires for women is considered perverse.

Thank you for posting this. I'm already sick from seeing the furry fandom being used as the internet's punching bag, but the "joking" reactions to this piece of news (not just on Kotaku) have been particularly nauseating.

Hey. There are times and places for jokes. People being hurt intentionally at an event they attended to feel safe and have fun at is neither.

Women can't win. If we stay silent about our harassment/abuse, people will blame us for not saying anything. If we DON'T stay silent, we're still condemned or worse, killed. When are people finally going to understand that WE are not responsible for the actions of men? This man was so insulted that a woman would

I have a huge list of things I like to masturbate before partaking in, including but not limited to: job interviews, flights, big presentations, exams, first dates, holiday parties, and any long car ride. But I also like to masturbate for any old reason, like "I am nude and my vagina is there and I have 10 minutes to

It's because, all jokes about parental basement dwelling aside, it's easy to forget that trolls like these are usually people who have relatives. Even the toughest Internet Tough Guy often has a relative who would be disappointed to learn of this type of behavior and who would hold him accountable for his actions. You

Brilliant. That is all. :)

Make the complaint to animal control, that he's pulling that crap means he's already had a complaint against him and the dog :-(

The pitbull owner has no intention of paying for your dogs medical bills. Make the complaint to animal control and make a claim on his homeowners insurance. If he doesn't have any, take him to small claims court. When you win you can put a lean on his property.