As someone who is trans I'm terrified to try watching it, but I'll give it a shot because your write-up was good.
As someone who is trans I'm terrified to try watching it, but I'll give it a shot because your write-up was good.
Wow, that was awesome!
Oh fucking god dammit America. STOP. Can't the sensible Americans, you know the majority, stop this bullshit?!
Yesterday's Internet news today!
That and Jezebel keeps using the word Europe as an insult, or something pretentious.
OMG you used the word ephemera. *melts into a word appreciation puddle*
I'll be downloading this, then doing the same!
And remember, Jezebel ran a piece on how wonderful Joan Rivers was, well after she made that insult. Really annoying.
This was good until the European bashing. Pointless.
FYI: This defence has not been legal in Canada for many years.
My wife is a pro baker. It's BS.
My wife's a professional baker (red seal) so ... Yeah, this is nuts.
It's frightening how some people cannot see the difference. Almost as bad as those that yell 'first amendment, you can't restrict my speech!' without understanding how the first amendment applies.
I have small boobs, I never wear a bra, I think I'm pretty lucky sometimes. Other times I wish they were larger. I guess the point is you can't win with boobs even though they are the best.
LOL oh that's funny. Because it's also how I poop. Monsters.
Poooooooooooooooop! :D
But it is a klingon,. I can't knock it off easily. Perhaps I should be punning on Fecesbook instead?
I'm not sure I can sticky it out. If I do I may need to wipe my mind afterwards.