This one is going to get a lot of shit responses. Really, it's going to stink. I think I should just log off now.
This one is going to get a lot of shit responses. Really, it's going to stink. I think I should just log off now.
"Do you need to have a gay/PoC/disabled/trans/whatever family member in order to understand that they're human beings? No. This is basic empathy we're talking about here."
It's true. I'm currently in bed eating last nights stash of delicious delivered free pistachios. All because I believe in Mojo! But not horoscopes, that would just be silly.
It's true. However they almost always injure their jaw. If the jaw bone shatters the cat can die as they can't eat.
And yet it constantly surprises me :(
Good, not just me then.
Whaaaaaa? Not a 'rabid fan' but it is OK to blame someone who is very ill for being a little late? Have you had an empathy bypass?!
People who believe in horoscopes ... urg. Seriously?! Also believe in Mojo the unicycling giraffe who delivers pistachios under your pillow on the 5th of every month?
You win!
Make it a sci-fi horror in space and you have my dollars.
Because there is no need to say it. People know of the possible risks, they can operate a smartphone so they are not incapable of basic understanding. Having publications like People saying 'be ashamed of your body, curtail what you want to do, let the fear of others stop you!!' is shaming at best, victim blaming at…
Same with everything in life. People are always around you that can use you, steal from you, abuse you, cause you harm.
Not really what I meant. My point, regardless of potential leaking or not, is people should take and enjoy naked pics of themselves. It's healthy.
No because you made a mistake, this guy chooses to be an utter waster of human.
You replied to the wrong person :)
Sarah Palin can also not manage to shit in the woods. She misses.
Gay as fuck you say? Why Helllllllllloooooooo there! :D
OK so I don't follow the NFL. But I've been thinking of picking a team and doing so, should they start to care more about women in general.