
Now this is transphobic, abusive and vile. I'm not shocked, this is the Internet, but still ...

Is ignorance defence? It isn't when it comes to the law...

Sigh. Here we go again. 41% of trans people attempt suicide. That drops if people can get the treatment needed. So it is urgent and likely life and death.

Can I ask why this matters?

I'm going to repeat this each time someone says this - it is urgent, 41% of trans people attempt suicide.

Trans care can be a matter of life and death. 41% of trans people attempt suicide.

Have you seen the suicide rate of transgender people? It is urgent.

I kept reading, kept thinking they'd give in — but no. They went on digging. It was a sight to behold.

Yay, break those gender walls

I can't. My typing cat is transcribing this for me ...

So I'm not the only one then...

*Vader scream* Nooooooooooooooooooooooo

Honestly I was shocked as hell that Fark was still going.

I have yet to experience it :)

I wish the edit function worked :( Silly me, Labour day is the same everywhere, not just an American thing. The US spelling threw me. Oh well, now I get to be an Internet idiot :)

Hi vile troll. How's the ghastly trolling? Is it going well? Do you feel fulfilled? Happy? Have a fun day troll!

So cute! I have three rescue cats, two from a pound. One of them would rip me apart if I tried this. The other would run and not be seen again for hours. The last would freaking love it as he soaks up attention and adores every human on the planet. Cats have strong personalities.

I'll try them with an open mind.

Thanks for posting this.

Harf is a great onomatopoeia! It gets the point across despite not being a word.