
Sansa is a hot mess that fandom loves. She is damaged goods, a survivor but barely functioning who makes bad decisions and her life has not prepared her for the game she tries to play and she clearly knows that given her look of unhappiness next to Baelish. She’s strong that she survived but that’s the limit of her

Ah, the good old “you don’t like these characters, therefore you must be a misogynist!” argument that this new age of internet children have cooked up. Nope, sorry kid, you’re going to have to try harder.

Sansa has really no experience or knowledge from the standpoint of military tactical strategy. It would be like if Jon suddenly started having grand ideas about playing the political part of the game of thrones.

She and Jon did the best they could with what they had, it was a no-win situation and in the end they did win, at a high price in blood, with Littlefinger’s toll yet to be seen.

I don’t think so. Yes, he made a deal that the masters reneged on, but keep in mind how things were going prior to his deal. The Sons of the Harpy were murdering people in the street and the city was about to collapse in on itself. He made a deal to restore stability and trade, knowing that the masters might

Tyrion is a pretty weak ruler, given his massive mistakes the past 2 episodes.

Sansa is responsible for the death of every man in Jon’s army. She is horrible and wrong not because she whined at Jon, but because she didn’t tell him about the Knights of the Vale.

When has Sansa ever shown cunning?

Hilarious Goldblum story to share.

It took me about 30 minutes, while others took as long as 45 minutes...

I’m fully up for having female main-protagonists, but I see no reason for an existing and established character to have his gender changed just because #equality.

I can’t wait for the day when people can have an opinion like this and not be forced to apologize.

The thing is, Gender IS in every way related to making movies. Just like gender is related in how you raise a child, deal with others, ect. Directing a film is just like rearing a child, and men and women do it differently because THEY ARE DIFFERENT. The fact that people can’t see this is the real crime

Thank for saying something. I’m actually tired of this view that men and women are 100% identical except for penis or vagina. I think differences are greater than that. That is not to say women are less capable. But I think men and women naturally/biological accel in different areas.

2016, where you’re not allowed to have any opinion without being crucified by the faceless masses that camp out on Social media.

Go fuck yourself, you stupid SJW

How did this “make light of rape,” exactly? All I see is mockery of Kotaku’s infusion of progressive gender politics into video game journalism.

This drives me nuts. What vested interest does Vanessa have? She was entitled to a large settlement, but didn’t go after it. She was with JD for fourteen years and throughout the most lucrative part of his career. She was the one who didn’t want to get married because she didn’t believe in it. She has her own money

uh, she didn’t break up with him becasue he couldn’t leave his adventuring ways behind. HE left her behind. its what he kept doing, he did it to Chloe, he did it to Elena. but she didn’t want him to stop adventuring so completely, she just didn’t want to be excluded out of his decisions so completely. remember, she is

At the end of the third game and this one it was shown that Nate was perfectly willing to try to change for her. Why wasn’t it an issue then? Besides, Elena didn’t change for him. At the end she acknowledged that she missed the adventure and excitement, too, and that they would always have trouble if they tried to